作者: 听风吹雨 | 来源:发表于2016-03-21 11:46 被阅读652次


    Ubuntu版本 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
    MySQL版本 10.0.21-MariaDB-log
    Mycat版本 Mycat-server-1.5-GA-20160215160037-linux.tar.gz
    jdk版本 jdk-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz
    Mycat-MySQL版本 Server version: 5.5.8-mycat-1.5-GA-20160215160037 MyCat Server (OpenCloundDB)
    MySQL账号密码 gaizai/123
    Mycat账号密码 test/test



    /usr/local/mariadb/bin/mysql -h10.1.1.167 -P8066 -utest -p

    1、测试 travelrecord

    <!-- auto sharding by id (long) -->
    <table name="travelrecord" dataNode="dn1,dn2,dn3" rule="auto-sharding-long" />


    # range start-end ,data node index
    # K=1000,M=10000.
    (product)test@ [(none)]> use TESTDB;
    Database changed
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> create table travelrecord (id bigint not null primary key,user_id varchar(100),traveldate DATE, fee decimal,days int);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(1000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                                                   |
    | dn1       | insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(1000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3) |
    1 row in set (0.04 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(7000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                                                   |
    | dn2       | insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(7000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain select * from travelrecord;
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                  |
    | dn1       | SELECT * FROM travelrecord LIMIT 100 |
    | dn2       | SELECT * FROM travelrecord LIMIT 100 |
    | dn3       | SELECT * FROM travelrecord LIMIT 100 |
    3 rows in set (0.03 sec)
    insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(1000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3);
    insert into travelrecord (id,user_id,traveldate,fee,days) values(7000000,'abc','2016-01-02',100.01,3);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from travelrecord;
    | id      | user_id | traveldate | fee  | days |
    | 7000000 | abc     | 2016-01-02 |  100 |    3 |
    | 1000000 | abc     | 2016-01-02 |  100 |    3 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    2、测试 company

    <!-- global table is auto cloned to all defined data nodes ,so can join
         with any table whose sharding node is in the same data node -->
    <table name="company" primaryKey="ID" type="global" dataNode="dn1,dn2,dn3" />

    company表,定义为全局表,在dn1,dn2,dn3 三个节点都有相同的记录

    create table company(id int not null primary key,name varchar(100));
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into company(id,name) values(1,'hp');
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                         |
    | dn1       | insert into company(id,name) values(1,'hp') |
    | dn2       | insert into company(id,name) values(1,'hp') |
    | dn3       | insert into company(id,name) values(1,'hp') |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into company(id,name) values(1,'hp');
    insert into company(id,name) values(2,'ibm');
    insert into company(id,name) values(3,'oracle');
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from company;
    | id | name   |
    |  1 | hp     |
    |  2 | ibm    |
    |  3 | oracle |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    3、测试 goods 表测试测试测试测试

    3、测试 goods 表测试测试测试测试

    3、测试 goods 表测试测试测试测试

    <table name="goods" primaryKey="ID" type="global" dataNode="dn1,dn2" />


    create table goods(id int not null primary key,name varchar(200),good_type tinyint,good_img_url  varchar(200),good_created date,good_desc varchar(500), price double);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into goods(id,name,good_type,good_img_url,good_created,good_desc,price) values(1,'hp',1,'http://a.jgp',now(),'惠普',100.00);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                                                                                  |
    | dn1       | insert into goods(id,name,good_type,good_img_url,good_created,good_desc,price) values(1,'hp',1,'http://a.jgp',now(),'惠普',100.00)   |
    | dn2       | insert into goods(id,name,good_type,good_img_url,good_created,good_desc,price) values(1,'hp',1,'http://a.jgp',now(),'惠普',100.00)   |
    2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
    insert into goods(id,name,good_type,good_img_url,good_created,good_desc,price) values(1,'hp',1,'http://a.jgp',now(),'惠普',100.00);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from goods;
    | id | name | good_type | good_img_url | good_created | good_desc | price |
    |  1 | hp   |         1 | http://a.jgp | 2016-02-23   | 我      |   100 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    4、测试 hotnews

    <!-- random sharding using mod sharind rule -->
    <table name="hotnews" primaryKey="ID" dataNode="dn1,dn2,dn3" rule="mod-long" />


    create table hotnews(id int  not null primary key ,title varchar(400) ,created_time datetime);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(1,'first',now());
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                |
    | dn2       | insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(1,'first',now()) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(2,'two',now());
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                              |
    | dn3       | insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(2,'two',now()) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(3,'three',now());
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                |
    | dn1       | insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(3,'three',now()) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(1,'first',now());
    insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(2,'two',now());
    insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(3,'three',now());
    insert into hotnews(id,title,created_time) values(5,'five',now());
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from hotnews;
    | id | title | created_time        |
    |  3 | three | 2016-02-23 14:34:19 |
    |  2 | two   | 2016-02-23 14:34:15 |
    |  5 | five  | 2016-02-23 14:34:22 |
    |  1 | first | 2016-02-23 14:34:11 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    • id为1,1%3=1,则到dn2上;
    • id为2,2%3=2,则到dn3上;
    • id为3,3%3=0,则到dn1上;
    • id为5,5%3=2,则到dn3上,即对应dn3的index;

    5、测试 employee

    <table name="employee" primaryKey="ID" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="sharding-by-intfile" />

    employee表,根据sharding-by-intfile (分片字段为sharding_id)规则进行分片,只在dn1,dn2存储数据,对应着conf/partition-hash-int.txt文件

    create table employee (id int not null primary key,name varchar(100),sharding_id int not null);
    insert into employee(id,name,sharding_id) values(1,'leader us',10000);
    insert into employee(id,name,sharding_id) values(2,'me',10010);
    insert into employee(id,name,sharding_id) values(3,'mycat',10000);
    insert into employee(id,name,sharding_id) values(4,'mydog',10010);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from employee;
    | id | name      | sharding_id |
    |  1 | leader us |       10000 |
    |  3 | mycat     |       10000 |
    |  2 | me        |       10010 |
    |  4 | mydog     |       10010 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    6、测试 orders

    <table name="customer" primaryKey="ID" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="sharding-by-intfile">
        <childTable name="orders" primaryKey="ID" joinKey="customer_id" parentKey="id">
        <childTable name="order_items" joinKey="order_id" parentKey="id" />
        <childTable name="customer_addr" primaryKey="ID" joinKey="customer_id" parentKey="id" />

    customer表,根据sharding-by-intfile (分片字段为sharding_id)规则进行分片,只在dn1,dn2存储数据


    create table customer(id int not null primary key,name varchar(100),company_id int not null,sharding_id int not null);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(1,'wang',1,10000);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                           |
    | dn1       | insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(1,'wang',1,10000) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(2,'xue',2,10010);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                          |
    | dn2       | insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(2,'xue',2,10010) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> explain insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(3,'feng',3,10000);
    | DATA_NODE | SQL                                                                           |
    | dn1       | insert into customer (id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(3,'feng',3,10000) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into customer(id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(1,'wang',1,10000);
    insert into customer(id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(2,'xue',2,10010);
    insert into customer(id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(3,'feng',3,10000);
    insert into customer(id,name,company_id,sharding_id)values(4,'wo',4,10000);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from customer;
    | id | name | company_id | sharding_id |
    |  2 | xue  |          2 |       10010 |
    |  1 | wang |          1 |       10000 |
    |  3 | feng |          3 |       10000 |
    |  4 | wo   |          4 |       10000 |
    4 rows in set (0.01 sec)


    create table orders (id int not null primary key ,customer_id int not null,sataus int ,note varchar(100) );
    //stored in db1 because customer table with id=3 stored in db1
    insert into orders(id,customer_id) values(1,3);
    //stored in db1 because customer table with id=1 stored in db1
    insert into orders(id,customer_id) values(2,1);
    //stored in db2 because customer table with id=2 stored in db2
    insert into orders(id,customer_id) values(3,2);
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select * from orders;
    | id | customer_id | sataus | note |
    |  1 |           3 |   NULL | NULL |
    |  2 |           1 |   NULL | NULL |
    |  3 |           2 |   NULL | NULL |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    (product)test@ [TESTDB]> select ,orders.* from customer ,orders where;
    | name | id | customer_id | sataus | note |
    | wang |  2 |           1 |   NULL | NULL |
    | feng |  1 |           3 |   NULL | NULL |
    | xue  |  3 |           2 |   NULL | NULL |
    3 rows in set (0.05 sec)



    _Mycat 安装配置



