as busy as a bee
hive 蜂房
beehive of activity全部在忙碌
make a beeline
- go there right away
sell popcorn爆米花
the bee's knees
- the best one
a bee in ones bonnet
- 着迷
that is none of your beeswax
- none of your business
the birds and bees
stir up a hornet's nest 捅马蜂窝
butterflies in your stomach
- be nervous about to do sth.
have ants in your pants裤子
- 坐卧不安
stop bugging me别烦我
just a bug in my ear
sleep tight don't let bedbug bitch.
- have a good night.
swan天鹅 song
- 绝笔
- or the finest work of someone
- estimate
- almost
- a whole new ballgame
- sth changed completely.