

作者: peizhenjy | 来源:发表于2017-08-25 16:40 被阅读2次


    1.Knowyour section timings

    My first tip is to make sure you go into the exam

    knowing how much time you have per item for each different section. By knowing

    this time, you can measure how long to spend on one question, or whether to

    guess, flag and move on. I’ve listed the time you should spend on each section item below:

    Verbal Reasoning–roughly 28seconds per item

    Decision Making–roughly 66 seconds per item

    Quantitative Reasoning–roughly 40seconds per item

    Abstract Reasoning–roughly 14seconds per item

    Situational Judgement–roughly 23seconds per item

    2. Verbal Reasoning timing tips

    With VR, you have to practice speed reading, taking

    in broad concepts of the passage as quickly as possible. The VR items will ask

    questions such as conclusions which can be drawn from the text, the author’s opinion or stance on a topic so it’s important you read the whole passage andunderstand it well. Re-reading the passage will lose you time!

    For the true/false/can’t tell format questions you should read thequestion first and then scan the passage for keywords rather than reading thepassage first. Make a mental note of key information (if there is a datementioned in the passage, more often than not there will be a question aboutit!).

    3.Decision Making timing tips

    This new section has the longest time allocated to

    it and rightly so. The questions can vary in this section so it’s hard to allocate a fixed time to it. It isimportant you use your whiteboard and pen in this section because doing thingsmentally can slow you down.

    The Venn diagram and logical puzzles may takelonger to work out but you can compensate for this by being quick on theon-screen calculator with the probability questions and syllogisms. Identifythe question type being asked and then decide how you will approach ittime-wise.

    4.Abstract Reasoning timing tips

    You need to be as familiar as possible with common

    patterns used in AR. Number of shapes, sides, arrow direction, colour of shapes

    will always be involved somewhere. If you can’t identify the pattern immediately, you have toguess, flag and move on.

    Time is tight in this section with roughly 15

    seconds per item and lots of items to get through. If you haven’t identified the pattern within 12 seconds I’d recommend flagging and guessing. By spending moretime on one difficult pattern you are sacrificing easier marks from simplerpatterns.

    5.Quantitative Reasoning timing tips

    The maths in the UKCAT test is not complicated. It

    is supposed to be GCSE level. Some questions require“eyeballing”–a look at agraph to identify the tallest bar. The trap people fall into is spending timeon questions which require multi-step calculations. For example, if a questionrequires summation, division and then subtraction it will obviously takelonger. In these instances, guesstimate, flag and move on.

    There will be a single step calculationquestion/eyeballing question further down the line. Use the whiteboard in thissection for any key numbers like a total or average in case an item within thesame question requires it.

    Get used to using the on-screen calculator!Inputting numbers is made quicker using the keyboard style numbers in thebottom right corner of most standard keyboards. This is different to how youmay input numbers on a laptop keyboard. My advice would be to practice on acomputer like the one in your test centre, at a local library or a school ifyou can.





