

作者: 我也会害怕 | 来源:发表于2018-09-25 09:51 被阅读0次

Excessive cars

The increasing number of private cars and the growing automobile manufacture have been a main problem for many years.And the growth of sale in car`s trading promotes these phenomena.Actually,all of these can subserve a prosperous economic,they improve the degree of happiness for person who owe a car at the same time.But we have taken the risk of misusing automobiles virtually.

The exhaust of cars which we hate always contributes the most part to air pollution in city.Furthermore,there is gigantic number of area has been used for traffic already,agriculture needs adequate land to plant crop,that is extremely important to us.The accident which incurred by steering implies what I mentioned similarly.

From the data of survey,the main factors which contribute to these tangible are lavish.First and foremost,the abusing of car in China,if governments subtract the amount of distribution to people,the sale of it will decrease smoothly.Secondly,the technology in car`s applications have not done keep up with the explosive in sale of private car,so the promotion of technique is also significant.


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