

作者: 果冻女士 | 来源:发表于2020-02-27 13:12 被阅读0次

    -单词:offsite 驻外 atmosphere 氛围 survey 调查 job satisfaction 工作满意度 supportive 给予帮助的

    burned out 筋疲力尽 turning into 转变为


    Rick asked them to take the survey. Rick 求他们做调查。

    I'll fill the glasses. 我会把玻璃杯倒满。

    She invited him to the party. 她邀请他参加派对。

    They picked strawberries to eat for dessert. 他们摘了草莓做甜点。


    不及物动词从不后接宾语,但常后接副词或介词词组,比如 carefully 或 in Paris。

    I was working in Paris. 我在巴黎工作。

    I listened carefully. 我仔细听。

    -多数感官动词,比如 watch、see 和 hear 既可接宾语,又可不接宾语。

    Let's watch the news. 让我们一起看新闻。

    She watched as I worked. 我做事的时候她在看。

    Yes, we've seen the survey. 是的,我们看过调查了。

    You can't see out of the window. 你不能看到窗外。

    I heard the phone. 我听见电话响了。

    She can't hear very well. 她听力不大好。

    KAYLA: Hi, Jared. Thanks for coming to the meeting.

    JARED: Uh, sure. Dave invited me .

    KAYLA: OK, great. While we're waiting for everyone else, could you please fill the water glasses ? I'm trying to get this stupid projector to work.

    JARED: You bet. What's the meeting about? Dave said something about a survey.

    KAYLA: Yes, we're designing some new job satisfaction surveys and interviews. Employees have a lot to say, and we want to listen .

    JARED: Cool. I was watching the employee training video , and it said we give those surveys every six months.

    KAYLA: Oh, no. Those are the old safety surveys. You know – making sure employees don't fall down the stairs or cut their fingers.

    JARED: Oh. So, now there are two surveys.

    KAYLA: You got it. Good – I see the rest of the team coming down the hall. We can get started.

    create a friendlier atmosphere 营造更友好的氛围

    Job satisfaction's way up.工作满意度上升。

    It really makes a difference.情况非常不一样。

    It was terrible before.这以前非常糟糕。

    I was pretty burned out.我累得筋疲力尽。

    We work with some really nice people.我们与非常和善的人共事。

    IXW is turning into a great company.IXW 正在转变成一家优秀的公司。



    I'm trying to create a lively atmosphere. 我试图营造活泼的氛围。

    It makes a difference when you work with nice people. 跟和善的人一起工作时,情况大不一样。

    I'm feeling totally burned out. 我整个人感觉筋疲力尽。


    Job satisfaction fell steeply last year. 工作满意度去年大幅降低。

    Things were awful before because of the long days. 由于工作时间长,以前没什么好事。

    This job's turned into a good thing. 这份工作现在成好事了。



