1. 英英释义:used to say that you think something is probably true
例句:The restaurant that has been around for many years recently went out of business, presumably because the rent prices went up too much.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“presumably”是副词,意思是“大概、可能”,它的动词是 presume。很多人可能在阅读中见到过 presumably,但一直没学会如何使用。当我们想表达一种可能性时,我们会说 I assume/suppose/presume/guess,其实这时候也可以试试 presumably。尤其是较正式的写作和口语中,灵活使用 presumably 可以增强表达的丰富性。
The restaurant that has been around for many years recently went out of business, presumably because the rent prices went up too much.
很多互联网公司在 2018 年第四季度大量裁员,虽然它们自己会说这是正常的人事调整,但很多分析家会认为这是公司融资不足的表现。我们就可以说:
The fourth quarter of 2018 saw massive lay-offs in many technology companies, which, according to analysts, presumably means they failed to raise the funds they needed.
最新一期《经济学人》一篇关于阿富汗的文章中就用到了 presumably:
Many analysts wonder whether the Afghan army can sustain such punishing losses in the long run, let alone the higher casualties that would presumably follow if it lost American training and air support.
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: 教授的航班又晚点了,大概是恶劣的天气所致吧。
The professor's flight was delayed again, presumably because of/due to the bad weather.
Presumably, the bad weather delayed the professor's flight.
例1:Presumably, practice makes permanent. But be mindful, you'd better adapt your practice to the new reality. 想当然,实践出永恒。但要注意,顺势而为。
例2:He is an international business leader, which is presumbly why he moves from pillar to post. 作为国际商界领袖,他常常东奔西走。
例3:Fashion is presumbly related to fame, which explains why it has become an inseparable part of the modern culture. 时尚与名望挂钩,成为现代文化无法剥离的一部分
释义:by reasonable assumption, think so, not be sure
Her mother will presumably stay with them until she's made a full recovery.
I assume/suppose/presume/guess
Presumably he won't see you if you're leaving tomorrow.