Unitimes 精选 | 委内瑞拉推行石油币币买房打九折

Unitimes 精选 | 委内瑞拉推行石油币币买房打九折

作者: Unitimes_独角时代 | 来源:发表于2019-01-19 11:41 被阅读9次

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委内瑞拉居住与住房部长Ildemaro Villarroel向委内瑞拉新闻机构 Presensa Latina 透露,该国目前“伟大住房使命计划”下的房产目前已开售,如果用石油币支付,可享受10%的折扣。

Venezuelan Government giving discounts for property bought with Petro

Ildemaro Villarroel, the minister for Habitat and Housing, told Venezuelan news outlet Presensa Latina that there was real estate currently available under the nation’s Great Housing Mission scheme, and for purchasers paying in Petro, there is a 10% discount on offer.


Coinstar 设备已在美国部分州


1月17日,金融服务公司 Coinme 宣布,在加利福尼亚州、德克萨斯州和华盛顿州指定 Safeway 和 Albertsons 商店购物的顾客现在可以通过 Coinstar终端机购买比特币核心(bitcoin core, BTC)。“Coinstar”是一种完全自动化的自助点钞机,目前美国市场上用来处理加密货币交易的“Coinstar”已有数千台。

Coinstar Machines in Select US States Now Sell BTC Vouchers

On Jan. 17, financial services company Coinme announced that people visiting select Safeway and Albertsons stores in California, Texas, and Washington can now purchase bitcoin core (BTC) through Coinstar kiosks. Coinstar devices are fully automated self-service coin-counting machines and now thousands located in the U.S. market could be equipped to handle cryptocurrency transactions.



南非的一个监管工作组,成员包括该国央行,本周发布了一份关于加密资产的咨询文件。该文件称,2019年,所有交易所、钱包提供商、比特币 ATM 和支付公司都必须向政府申请注册才能提供服务。

South Africa Wants to Mandate Registration of Crypto Service Providers

A regulatory working group in South Africa, which includes the country’s central bank, has released a consultation paper on crypto assets this week. According to the document, all exchanges, wallet providers, Bitcoin ATMs and payment processors will have to register with the government in 2019.



俄罗斯总理德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)在一次高层经济会议上表示,去年的价格下跌不足以成为“埋没”加密货币的理由。他认为俄罗斯应该密切关注数字货币的发展。

Russian PM: No Reason to ‘Bury’ Cryptocurrencies

Last year’s falling prices are not a good enough reason to “bury” cryptocurrencies, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said during a high-level economic conference. He believes Russia should carefully follow the developments around digital coins.



国际比特币工资服务提供商 Bitwage 宣布与德克萨斯州的Simple Efficient HR 达成合作。此举将允许美国50个州的公司使用 BTC 和 ETH 支付W2雇员的工资和工资税,波多黎哥也可以使用该服务。

American Companies Can Now Settle Payroll Taxes In Cryptocurrency via Bitwage

International cryptocurrency payroll service provider Bitwage has announced that it has partnered with Texas-based Simply Efficient HR. The move will allow companies to pay W2 employee and payroll taxes in all 50 U.S. states, plus Puerto Rico, using BTC and ETH.



Armin Van Bitcoin


我的朋友刚告诉我他投资了一家叫做 Blocktrain 的公司。我问:“Blockstream?”他回答说,不是,是“strain”。



My friend just told me he invested in a company called Blockstrain. I asked "Blockstream"? He said no, "strain".

He said they put cannabis quality assurance on the blockchain.

Sounded interesting. So I went home, logged into my computer... and doubled down on #bitcoin.


William Mougayar

JM3 Capital 管理合伙人



Sad state of blockchain today: some good tech is badly marketed, and some bad tech is well marketed.

Blockchain sector is in dire need of more visible successes, not just navel gazing, sausage-making, causal activity.


Jimmy Song





Bitcoin is the one chance we have to decentralize power away from the rent seeking ruling class.

Don't be distracted by promises, political kayfabe, altcoins or social sedatives.

Bitcoin is our one chance at real change.


Brian Armstrong

Coinbase 联合创始人


In environments of high growth and opportunity people look to see what they can create for themselves and others. In environments of low growth and opportunity people look to see what they can take for themselves from others. Both entirely rational.


Eric Conner

EthHub.io 创始人




Block 7,080,000 has passed and the Ethereum chain is moving along nicely without Constantinople.

Big thanks to everyone who sprung into action yesterday and saved the day!

Now let’s get a new plan together.


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      本文标题:Unitimes 精选 | 委内瑞拉推行石油币币买房打九折
