能力,素养,技能,人德,等等 <教育干货 > Competenc

能力,素养,技能,人德,等等 <教育干货 > Competenc

作者: NicholasTan尼克 | 来源:发表于2018-04-28 08:57 被阅读0次

教育干货 -能力,素养,技能,人德,等等

Why do we have grades? I’m sure as a student you’ve probably thought about this before. Why is it that a single digit or alphabet defines how much we’ve learnt. When did this become a norm? Truth be told, I look back towards my younger days, wishing I had a better grade than my last. However, lately I’ve really struggled to understand why this matters? At the end of it, we all graduated anyway…and truth is those grades don’t get you to where you are today (whether in career or life). What does matter though is competency (or at least the ability to do stuff). 


Today’s world needs more competent students, in particular digital competency and global competency. What do these mean? Well let’s put it this way, digital competency is the future of how we learn and work. Hence, it’s all about the following areas such as managing your online identity (understanding the safety and implications of actions on the virtual web), managing digital information (sourcing, evaluating & communicating this information), creating digital content (from production to creation), collaborating online (from interaction to sharing information online). 

Global competency on the other hand is how we work with others, especially if they’re not from around our backyard. These include elements such as understanding & appreciating the perspective and worldview of others, engaging in open appropriate & effective interactions across cultures, taking action for collective well-being and sustainable development & finally examining local, global and intercultural issues. See images for more info.

The final area of competency that I left out is one of character competency which is the way we are as individuals. This is also the toughest part as this is one area which has to be developed outside of classroom through various stakeholders in a student’s life. Having character traits such as curiosity, persistence, adaptability, leadership & social awareness are some of the key traits that leads to success in the workplace. This competency is the make or break for student’s success today & what most college/employers will look at in the coming future.


I hope that schools will start to realize the importance of grading competency rather than achievement. This will definitely get students to pursue more in their education as they’ll have to focus on understanding the basics of some and the mastery of others. This will allow for choice and save students time in trying to achieve things they previously had no interest in. 


For those interested in digital literacy, please check out this FutureLearn course on Blended learning essentials:https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/blended-learning-digital-skills/

Also, download the OECD PISA’s report at this link:http://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisa-2018-global-competence.htmto understand it’s implication & importance in the coming years.



      本文标题:能力,素养,技能,人德,等等 <教育干货 > Competenc
