Blockchain In: Internet ofThings (IoT)
Interest in Blockchain and IoT has never been so high. While still intheir infancy, IoT solutions are already part of our living rooms and lives. Weare surrounded by smart speakers, smart home appliances, smart TVs – andautonomous cars are no longer a far-off dream. In contrast, blockchain hasn’tbeen scaled for mainstream use yet, and most blockchain-related projects arestill proof-of-concepts or trials without any DApp being used at scale.However, we believe that these two technologies have the potential to be theperfect match.
IoT is the interconnection between objects, sending data back and forth onthe internet. The “Things” in IoT can be anything you can think of. The onlyprerequisite is that a sensor, integrated within the object, is fully orpartially connected to the internet. These sensors will be implemented acrossall industries from the supply chain and health industries, to automobile andtransportation.
For instance,VeChain(VEN) and Waltonchain (WTC) both develop chips –to be used in smart retail and supply chain management. We already covered how blockchain solutions enable trust between 3rd parties, increase transparency, and enable cost reduction in the supply chain industry due to the removal of third parties and the need for traditional documents.In short, IoT enables the tracking of goods within the supply chain. Chips or QR codes are added to the product which signals the blockchain each time there is a change in the product’s state (opening, location, temperature, etc). These chips not only enable people to check what happened to their products along the supply chain,but also enable businesses to benefit from smart contracts (pay X, when Y happens).
例如,唯链 (VEN)和沃尔顿链(WTC)都开发用于智能零售和供应链管理的芯片。我们已经讨论了区块链解决方案如何促进第三方之间的信任,增加透明度,并因为取消了第三方的对传统纸质文档的需求而使供应链行业的成本降低。简而言之,物联网能够准确跟踪供应链中的货品。当货品的状态发生变化(被打开、位置变化、温度变化等)时,这些信息会通过芯片或二维码的形式,通过区块链技术被添加到产品的整个供应链状态中。这些芯片不仅能让人们检查他们的产品在供应链上发生了什么,还能让企业从智能合约中获益(当Y发生时支付X)。
This increased connectivity will certainly not only oblige companies to adapt and cut costs due to increased efficiency,but will also reshape society with so-called smart cities. Alibaba, in conjunction with Hangzhou (9 million citizens), is developing City Brain, a cloud-based AI aiming to make life easier for its inhabitants. According to New Scientist, the project has been a success, as it has led to a decrease in crime and traffic jams, among other things. Now, City Brain is about to be exported internationally, with its first deployment outside of China taking it to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Blockchain-based projects such as VeChain inGui’an (national level partnership) and WTC in Xiong’an (with their “partnership/collaboration” with Alibaba), also target IoT integration within cities, but using blockchain technology.
这种日益增强的互联互通,不仅将迫使企业适应效率提升带来的成本削减,还将重塑所谓的“智慧城市”(smart cities)的社会。阿里巴巴正在与杭州(900万居民)合作开发城市大脑(City Brain),这是一种基于云计算的人工智能,旨在让城市的居民的生活更轻松。根据《新科学家》杂志的报道,该项目取得了成功,因为它减少了诸如犯罪和交通堵塞等若干城市问题。现在,“城市大脑”即将出口到世界各地,它在中国以外的地区的首次部署将在马来西亚的吉隆坡。以区块链为基础的项目,如桂安的VeChain(国家级合作)和雄安的WTC(与阿里巴巴的战略合作),也以城市内部的物联网集成为目标,但采用的是区块链技术。
Current IoT infrastructure works in isolation. IoT devices areinterconnected within their own ecosystems (Google, Amazon, Apple, Tencent,Alibaba etc). The problem is twofold. Firstly, they do not connect withservices outside of their own realm, obliging consumers to stay within theecosystem of the company providing their services (and their partners). Onesolution to this problem is to have open APIs to enable any device to connectto the others; however, this could lead to security issues.
目前的物联网基础设施是独立工作的。物联网设备在它们自己的生态系统中是相互独立的(例如谷歌、亚马逊、苹果、腾讯、阿里巴巴等公司)。问题是双重的。首先,他们不与自己生态疆域之外的设备连接,迫使消费者留在提供服务的公司(及其合作伙伴)内部的生态系统中。解决这个问题的一种方法是使用开放的api来允许本生态体系外部的任何设备连接到其他设备; 然而,这可能会导致安全问题。
Secondly, IoT hasn’t reached mass adoption yet. In the future, most of our appliances (cars, fridges, phones, TVs) will be connected to each other, and data will have to flow from one appliance to another frictionlessly. Centralised servers will need to cope with the increasing amount of data and computation, which might not be sustainable, given current infrastructure. TechCrunch develops well on the current infrastructural problems IoT may face in the future.
A second problem with current IoT infrastructure, due to itscentralisation, is that it exposes many devices but also the data they process.The recent scandal surrounding the use of Facebook’s user data from CambridgeAnalytica demonstrates that the services we currently use have points offailure. Using blockchain, the data is sent privately, and users areaware of what they are sending as the data is transparent. Thereby, companiescan gain insight into your consumption patterns, without knowing exactly whoyou are – though of course companies may find ways around this anyway.
当前物联网基础设施的第二个问题(由于其集中性)是,它暴露了许多设备,也暴露了它们在处理的数据。最近来自Cambridge Analytica对于Facebook利用其用户数据的丑闻表明,我们目前使用的服务有很多失败的地方。使用区块链,数据是私下发送的,并且用户知道他们发送的是什么,因为数据是透明的。这样,一些公司就可以在不知道你是谁的情况下洞悉你的消费模式——尽管一些公司总是可以通过各种方法达到他们的目的。
As we will see, blockchain and IoT technologies turn out to be highlycomplementary. Firstly, blockchain allows users to access and supply IoT datawithout the need for a central party, as privacy and transparency are takencare of by the network.
Benefits of combiningBlockchain and IoT
1) Increased privacy and integrity 更佳的隐秘性和完整性
Privacy is becoming increasingly important for people in the age of Big Data. These days we are tracked by powerful companies, who know almost everything there is to know about us. Research conducted by the University of Edinburgh found that health trackers such as Fitbit could have their data being intercepted when the data was transmitted to the “cloud-based” storage.
Additionally, they also found that the data was not correctly encrypted –meaning that it wasn’t protected and could be read by anyone who might’ve intercepted it. Another study found that 8 widely known fitness trackers (Xiaomi and Garmin being on the list) allowed third parties to track you through Bluetooth, even when the device was not paired with the tracker.
在大数据时代,隐私变得越来越重要。我们现在已经无时无刻在被大公司们跟踪解析着,他们几乎知道关于我们的一切。爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)的研究发现,像Fitbit这类健康数据采集的公司在将数据传输到“基于云”的存储时,这些数据可能会被拦截。此外,他们还发现有些数据没有被正确加密——这意味着数据没有受到保护,任何可能截获数据的人都可以读取它。另一项研究发现,8个广为人知的健康追踪器公司(小米和Garmin都在此名单上)允许第三方公司通过蓝牙信号追踪你,即使该设备并没有与你的健康追踪器配对。
This problem not only leads to individual leaks but also might cause problems to industry-wide business models. For instance, the insurance industry is trying to move into the InsureTech era, and to this extent, they create applications which rely on the data provided by sensors in order to offer tailored insurance packages. However, the model relies on the fact that the data is accurate and hasn’t been tampered with. The problem is that the study described above also found an easy way to tamper with the data, making the commercialization of tailored packages hard to implement due to the lack of trust between parties.
For instance,CPChain sealed a partnership with Zhichao Medical, a company using AI and Big Data to diagnose illnesses and diseases.The algorithm developed by the Zhichao team scans and diagnoses 100 medical records in 4.8 seconds, with an accuracy 20% higher than the ones performed by humans. Using blockchain technology, patients are ensured that the data being sent to the company is used to the unique purpose of the diagnosis, and that these are not sold, or used by third parties without their consent. Additionally, patient shave full control over the data being sent – allowing them to send solely the data required for the diagnosis.
By using blockchain and IoT, not only is the data verifiable, transparent,tamper-proof, and immutable – but also encrypted, bringing true user privacy.Moreover, anyone is able to be aware of the data which is being sent, removingpossible company misconduct and unlawful data gathering. In case of issues,authorities would be able to pinpoint points of failure. This would helphold companies accountable for their mistakes, and incentivize them to watchout themselves.
2) Improved security 更加的安全
IoT exposes many devices but also the data they process to the internet. Somefuture IoT applications will demand more security; for instance, cars willbecome increasingly more independent from their “driver”, where a single pointof failure could lead to injury or worse.
IoT公开了许多设备,但也暴露了他们在处理的数据。一些未来的物联网应用将需要提高安全性; 例如,汽车将变得越来越独立于他们的“司机”,一个小的故障点就可能导致人员受到伤害或者更糟。
CNN reported that implantable cardiac devices had security
vulnerabilities – allowing someone to deplete the devices’ batteries and administer incorrect pacings and shocks remotely (thankfully, the vulnerability was not exploited). Another vulnerability lies within the WiFi connection of a Chrysler’s dashboard. A Jeep Cherokee was also remotely hacked in a Wired experiment, in which hackers cut the transmission of the car while the car was driving down a highway.
CNN报道说可植入凯迪拉克汽车内的设备有安全隐患——允许有人耗空设备的电池,远程操作不正确的驾驶和刹车(值得庆幸的是,这个漏洞并没有被利用)。另一个漏洞在于克莱斯勒仪表盘的WiFi连接。一辆吉普切诺基(Jeep Cherokee)也在一项有线连接的实验中被黑客远程入侵,黑客切断了正在高速公路上行驶汽车的挡位传输。
Given the increasing number of IoT devices, and the current state of the industry, all companies would have to ensure that not only is their hardware secure, but that the network or cloud on which they operate is secure as well. Both these points are primary targets for hackers, and with the increasing number of object being connected to the internet, the threat will grow exponentially. Using blockchain technology, the networks themselves are much more difficult to break into, enabling companies to focus uniquely on the hardware aspect.
In the case of fully decentralised blockchains, one would have to either own 51% of the network’s computational power, steal someone’s private key, or to find a glitch in the underlying code behind the protocol. In contrast, private blockchains(where entrance has to be granted), or in public blockchains where nodes are determined, it is close to impossible to enter the system. Public blockchains may be close to impossible to crack due to their scale, but a private blockchain may have less distribution and therefore a higher probability of being successfully attacked, while being harder to gain network access to in the first place. Blockchains also enable the avoidance of DDoS attacks, as every transaction requires a certain amount of token to be used,making any attacks financially prohibitive for most would-be attackers.
Another way is to steal users’ private keys, which is an arduous task initself due to the hashing cryptographic property of the private key and theasymmetrical cryptography (the combination of public and private keys).Besides, in the case of users having their private keys stolen, this wouldn’tjeopardize the full network.
3) Allows for fast and small transactions 允许更快更细分的交易
With connected cars, heating systems, air conditioners, and smart fridges,consumers will have a lot of data at their disposal, some of which will have tobe sent to the network and some which they may decide to sell, exchange, orkeep private. As a reward for sending data, companies might decide to pay apercentage of your electricity bill, provide you with points, or pay you –opening a new route of earning a passive income.
Each time data will be sent via the network, a tiny transaction will beperformed. The problem is that currently, it is impossible to send just a fewcents from one person (or object) to another, as banking fees usually outweighthe transaction itself. Additionally, the card processing company has to verifythat the money can be transferred, making people wait a few minutes, hours, andeven days, which in the case of IoT is not feasible. Blockchain solves thelatter problem with its innovative solution to the infamous double-spendingissue while the former problem is solved by the removal of third-parties.
4) Allows for automated transactions 允许自动交易
In an IoT world, where most devices are autonomous and do not need humaninterference, objects will need to transact with each other. For example, anautonomous car would need to be able to pay for a refill, pay for parking fees,pay the mechanic and so on. In the same sense, smart washing machines wouldneed to order detergent online before it runs out.
The blockchain enables the use of smart contracts – electronic contracts which follow the “IFTTT (IF-this-THEN-that)” command. Basically, smart contracts can hold and conditionally send tokens and other digital assets (such as data), if certain conditions specified in the contract are met.In the autonomous vehicle case, the car could have an inbuilt wallet and smart contracts stating: “IF the car runs out of electricity, THEN go to nearest gas station AND refill the car AND pay the station when the battery is full”.
区块链允许使用智能合约——遵循“IFTTT (IF-this-THEN-that)”命令。基本上,如果满足合约中指定的某些条件,智能合约可以持有并有条件地发送令牌和其他数字资产(如数据)。在自动驾驶汽车的例子中,汽车可以有一个内置的钱包和智能合约,上面写着:“如果汽车没电了,那就去最近的加油站加油,电池满了就给加油站付款。”
Within the supply chain industry, once the blockchain recognises that thechip arrived at a certain point of the supply chain, a smart contract canexecute and pay the appropriate party. IF the product arrives at point A, THENsend 5 tokens to company Z. Naturally, these commands could be implementedacross the complete supply chain, enabling these auto-payments to take placewhenever a relevant action is performed.
Last but not least, the automation of transactions and smart contracts canalso generate revenue for the owner of the IoT device. It wouldn’t beunimaginable to see companies rewarding users for the data they send, forexample, to cover costs of broadband usage incurred while operating thesedevices.
5) Reduces infrastructure and operational costs 降低基础设施成本与运营成本
Centralised approaches require high operational, time, and R&D investments. Blockchain enables companies to outsource the infrastructure element of their projects. Companies would be able to let the network handle the cloud side of the IoT – enabling companies to truly focus on the hardware, application, and innovation side of things.
Costs that can be removed include network maintenance, supervision,and updates. Also, exactly in the same way as for supply chain, blockchainremoves the middleman from the process – eliminating many legal and contractualcosts.
Where the blockchain (currently) falls short
Despite all the advantages of using blockchain solutions for the IoT, the technology is still in its infancy and doesn’t come without its own flaws. First and foremost, as more people use a blockchain, networks will encounter congestion issues. Therefore, there is plenty to be achieved from the technological side to allow for high TPS (Transactions per Second), and low latency. Solutions, in order to scale blockchains, exist, one of our favorites is HPB, which aims to solve the scalability issue of blockchains by developing a blockchain where nodes are run through accelerated chips. Another solution is Aion,which, in contrast to HPB, doesn’t implement proprietary hardware into the blockchain ecosystem, but intends to link different blockchains together by allowing tokens to run on different blockchains, with, for instance, the data being processed on blockchain A and stored on blockchain B – separating transactions’processes and final states.
尽管为物联网使用区块链解决方案有很多优点,但该技术仍处于起步阶段,而且并非没有自身的缺陷。首先,随着更多的人使用区块链,网络将会遇到拥塞问题。因此,还有很多可以从技术方面改进的地方,比如允许高TPS(每秒交易数)和低延迟。为了扩展区块链,我们目前最佳的解决方案之一是HPB,它通过开发一个区块链来解决区块链的可扩展性问题,其中节点通过加速芯片运行。另一个解决方案是Aion, 和HPB相比, 它并不需要专有硬件接入到区块链生态系统钟,而是通过允许不同令牌在不同区块链上运行并处理数据来达到链接不同区块链的目的。例如,数据可以在区块链B上存储但是在区块链A上被运行-也就是分离交易和存储的过程和最终状态。
Another issue concerns transactions fees. This relates to the congestionissue, as the more congested a network is, the more expensive the fees become.It also relates to the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies; in the currentsystem, one pays flat fees in order to compute or process their data. However,with the internet of value which blockchains intend to create, one pays forusage. Prices can fluctuate tremendously for good reason, or simply due tospeculation. However, it is also possible that we may see a decrease inpurchase costs to offset transaction costs.
另一个问题涉及交易费用。这与拥塞问题有关,因为网络越拥塞,费用就越昂贵。它也与加密货币的投机性质有关; 在目前的系统中,为了计算或处理数据,需要支付固定费用。然而,区块链想要创造的价值网络,每个人就需要为使用付费。价格有很大的波动是有充分的理由的,或者仅仅是由于投机效应。然而,我们也有可能看到购买成本的下降以抵消交易成本。
Conclusion 结论
We see an increasing number of companies exploring blockchain technology,with IBM being one of the larger players leading the way. IBM has been activelyinvolved in blockchain R&D as well as implementation. The IBM Watson IoTPlatform, a private blockchain solution, has an inbuilt option which enablesIoT devices to send data to private blockchains. Users can choose whichIoT data they want to send, and the transaction is known only to the twoparties involved – unlike on public blockchains. Whirlpool, the German firmmanufacturing and selling household appliances, joined IBM to connect itswashing machines to the internet via IBM Watson.
我们看到越来越多的公司在探索区块链技术,而IBM是其中最大的公司之一。IBM一直积极参与区块链的研发和实现。IBM Watson IoT平台是一个私有的区块链解决方案,它有一个inbuild选项,可以让IoT设备将数据发送到私有区块链。用户可以选择他们想要发送的物联网数据,并且交易只对涉及的双方知情——不像公共区块链。德国制造和销售家用电器的惠而浦(Whirlpool)加入IBM,通过IBM Watson将其洗衣机连接到互联网上。
One risk for blockchain technology is that legacy companies will not let the blockchain take over their dominant positions. For instance, Visa and MasterCard might decide to change their business model and reduce their fees drastically in order to be able to process tiny transactions. Google, Tencent, Alibaba, and others might also decide to release developer toolkits, and give free access to databases and networks in order to maintain their dominant positions. Nevertheless, some of those companies are seeing the benefits of blockchain technology as they are currently developing blockchain solutions. For instance, Amazon recently launched a platform to propose Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) to its clients while Huawei, Alibaba, and Tencentare developing in blockchainnetworks to accommodate their own services.
Given the advantages of combining blockchain technology and IoT in terms of transferring data, to the incentives for companies to cut costs, and for the privacy and security the blockchains creates, we believe that implementations will take place. However, we are still far off an ideal system, and the most effective technology for IoT hasn’t yet been chosen. Solutions could stem from public or private blockchains, the Tangle, or may remain with current cloud-based servers – only time will tell.