流利说 L5-U3 P2 Vocabulary——

流利说 L5-U3 P2 Vocabulary——

作者: sindy00 | 来源:发表于2019-12-21 21:18 被阅读0次

——Verbs about problems——

Maintain: to preserve or keep things as they are.

Our quality is excellent, so your job is to maintain our high standards and improve them if you can.

These historic building are very old and need to be maintained.

Because of economic competition, maintain peaceful relations isn’t easy.

Disrupt: to cause disorder or confusion.

Investors want to invest in companies that disrupt the way things are done.

His presence in the office is disruptive, so we need to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Settle: to calm thing s down, or end a conflict or disagreement.

He’s too upset to think clearly, so he needs to settle down.

If we can’t agree, we have to go to court to settle our difference.

With the development of agriculture,humans could settle down and form permanent communities.

Solve: to figure out or find the answer or solution to a problem.

The problem is difficult so we need to find a way to solve it.

We can’t solve that problem without using a computer.

He is very good at solving difficult problems, even under pressure.

Prove: to use evidence or logic to support an idea.

The police had to release him because they couldn’t prove that he committed the crime.

Thebest way to prove that something can be done is to do it.

We can’t prove that he was there unless we can find more evidence.

They couldn’t solve the problem until they could clearly define it.



      本文标题:流利说 L5-U3 P2 Vocabulary——
