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「r<-导入」读入 dbGap 的表型/注释信息

「r<-导入」读入 dbGap 的表型/注释信息

作者: 王诗翔 | 来源:发表于2019-08-23 18:05 被阅读13次

    dbGaP 表型等信息零散地却有规律地分布在 files/ 目录下,为了理解哪些文件存储了数据,我对下载的文件类型进行了查看,包括 xml, pdf 以及 gz 文件。大致有以下整理:

    • pdf 文件存储的是各种文件的大致说明
    • xml 文件存储一些文件的元信息和一些数据
    • tar.gz 文件存储的是打包压缩的 xml 文件
    • txt.gz 文件基本存储的是数据

    xml 文件中的数据很难查看和导入,我也不懂 xml,放弃治疗。

    tar.gz 文件存储的 xml 文件包含了 txt.gz 文件列名的描述,如果有这方面的疑问,推荐直接用文本模式看看它们,文件不大,还是比较好查看的。

    带 MULTI 字符的 txt 文件虽然汇总了该研究所有的病人或样本信息,但很多信息没有存储!可惜了(如果读者发现自己下载的数据有存储最全面的信息,那还是推荐使用这个,减少麻烦)。

    实际包含详细信息的病人文件会带 Subject_Phenotypes 字符,而样本带 Sample_Attributes 字符。而它们还能相互补充,所以我要想办法导入 2 种数据,后面再进行合并处理。


    read_dbGap = function(accession, destdir=getwd(), 
                          type = c("subject", "sample"), 
                          col_types = cols(.default = "c"),
                          pattern_subject_file = "Subject_Phenotypes", 
                          pattern_sample_file = "Sample_Attributes") {
        # col_types see ?readr::read_tsv
        # user can set it to dplyr::cols() if no error 'Too many conversion specifiers in format string' returned
        type = match.arg(type)
        # append / at the end if user not type it
        destdir = ifelse(endsWith(destdir, suffix = "/"), destdir, paste0(destdir, "/"))
        if (type == "subject") {
            fl = dir(destdir, paste0(accession, ".*", pattern_subject_file), full.names = TRUE)
        } else {
            fl = dir(destdir, paste0(accession, ".*", pattern_sample_file), full.names = TRUE)
        if (length(fl) < 1) stop("Cannot find any file! Please check your input.")
        message("==> Finding out files with type ", type)
        if (!require(tidyverse)) {
            message("Please install tidyverse package and re-run this function!")
        } else {
            purrr::map(fl, ~readr::read_tsv(., comment = "#", progress = TRUE, 
                                            col_types = col_types)) %>% 
                dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 

    用户只要指定前 3 个参数,这里设定 col_types = cols(.default = "c") 是通过将所有列都读入为字符串以解决报错 Too many conversion specifiers in format string,你可以试试 col_types = dplyr::cols(),如果报错,再使用函数设定的默认参数。

    因为我工作要处理的是多个 dbGap Study,所以我再创建一个函数来进行批量处理:

    read_dbGapList = function(accession_list, destdir=getwd(),
                              col_types = cols(.default = "c"),
                              pattern_subject_file = "Subject_Phenotypes", 
                              pattern_sample_file = "Sample_Attributes") {
        if (!require(tidyverse)) {
            message("Please install tidyverse package and re-run this function!")
        } else {
            purrr::map(accession_list, function(x) {
                message("=> Processing accession ", x)
                type = c("subject", "sample")
                           ~suppressWarnings(read_dbGap(x, destdir = destdir,type = .))) %>% 
            }) %>% 


    > df_list = read_dbGapList(accession_list = paste0("phs00",
    +                                                  c("0447", "0554", "0909", "0915", "1141")),
    +                          destdir = "dbGap/phenotype/")
    => Processing accession phs000447
    ==> Finding out files with type subject
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000447.v1.pht002581.v1.p1.c1.Prostate_CIP_Subject_Phenotypes.GRU.txt.gz"
    [2] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000447.v1.pht002581.v1.p1.c2.Prostate_CIP_Subject_Phenotypes.CRO.txt.gz"
    ==> Finding out files with type sample
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000447.v1.pht002582.v1.p1.c1.Prostate_CIP_Sample_Attributes.GRU.txt.gz"
    [2] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000447.v1.pht002582.v1.p1.c2.Prostate_CIP_Sample_Attributes.CRO.txt.gz"
    => Processing accession phs000554
    ==> Finding out files with type subject
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000554.v1.pht003196.v1.p1.c1.CRPC_Subject_Phenotypes.DS-CA-MDS.txt.gz"
    ==> Finding out files with type sample
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000554.v1.pht003198.v1.p1.c1.CRPC_Sample_Attributes.DS-CA-MDS.txt.gz"
    => Processing accession phs000909
    ==> Finding out files with type subject
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000909.v1.pht005250.v1.p1.c1.NEPC_Subject_Phenotypes.GRU.txt.gz"
    ==> Finding out files with type sample
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000909.v1.pht004876.v1.p1.c1.NEPC_Sample_Attributes.GRU.txt.gz"
    => Processing accession phs000915
    ==> Finding out files with type subject
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000915.v2.pht004946.v2.p2.c1.mCRPC_SU2C_Subject_Phenotypes.DS-PC-MDS.txt.gz"
    [2] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000915.v2.pht004946.v2.p2.c2.mCRPC_SU2C_Subject_Phenotypes.DS-CA-MDS.txt.gz"
    ==> Finding out files with type sample
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000915.v2.pht004947.v2.p2.c1.mCRPC_SU2C_Sample_Attributes.DS-PC-MDS.txt.gz"
    [2] "dbGap/phenotype//phs000915.v2.pht004947.v2.p2.c2.mCRPC_SU2C_Sample_Attributes.DS-CA-MDS.txt.gz"
    => Processing accession phs001141
    ==> Finding out files with type subject
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs001141.v1.pht005601.v1.p1.c1.PROMOTE_Subject_Phenotypes.GRU.txt.gz"
    ==> Finding out files with type sample
    [1] "dbGap/phenotype//phs001141.v1.pht005602.v1.p1.c1.PROMOTE_Sample_Attributes.GRU.txt.gz"

    后续的合并就需要更多的 dirty work 了。。。

    注:公布的函数是开源的,抄可以,但封装或修改时还是要有点开源精神,以GPL协议附上本人 copyright。如果是发表研究,应当适当引用。



        本文标题:「r<-导入」读入 dbGap 的表型/注释信息
