
作者: 丹妮的小猫猫 | 来源:发表于2018-06-13 23:26 被阅读0次

Chapter 1: Something rised from the underworld

It's a dark and stormy night. My room is dark, and I can't see a thing. 

As I stare into a wall, a thing tap me on the shoulder. I looked around, and saw a muddy hand convered in green goo, and nasty thing I can't name. I jumped five feet and can't believe my eyes. 

Is this hunted, or destroyed by monster, or maybe something from the underworld? I shuttered, trying to keep these thoughts out of my mind. Something in the dark is watching us with its red eyes, something even worse than the muddy hand.

Chapter 2: Stars? Are you sure?

As I back away, pairs of red eyes started the show. Like stars.

 I whispered to my best friend, Kate, "What are those things?" 

"Maybe it's stars." Kate whispered in my ear. 

A part of my heart agreed with her, but I just said, "I don't think so, it's probably something from the underworld. You know the door to the underworld doesn't close well."

Kate grabbed my arm, "I can feel it. It's an eerie dog plus bat plus vampire pig. It's a level 1 monster. " 

I muttered,“It seems not that bad.” "Don't decide that fast, those things are together, they are not the same level 1 monsters." 

I pointed at the monster. A flash light flew out of my finger. The light hit the monster, and it turned to dust. Kate and I ran to the door. We closed the door with our own might. 

Just when we thought we were safe, a wind suck us towards to the door. Together, we fell into the endless darkness.......


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