无题,因为写跑题了 —— TPO 46 Independent

无题,因为写跑题了 —— TPO 46 Independent

作者: 班座 | 来源:发表于2018-09-19 23:05 被阅读0次

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

    The opinions of celebrities, such as famous entertainers and athletes, are more important to younger people than they are to older people.

    Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    The boom of the information age has inevitablly astonished every person in the world. From the children who have just learnt how to use the cellphone, to the eldest people spending their retire respite with old newspapers, every person has to receive information from others, and at the same time, with the electronic wave among the air, we are simultaneously sharing our own opinions to others. The interaction of the different ideas conflicts with each other and continuously creating new opinions towards the world and influencing the mind of people. However, among all the receivers of the information, in my personal opinion, the mind of the young people, are more vulnerable, or in other word, more regarding to, than the older people to the new opinions spread from the hottest information resource, namely, the opinions of celebrites such as famous entertainers, athletes and what not.

    Firstly, consider whatever blank is easy to be stained by the pollution from the outside world. You can easily draw whatever you want with a marker on a piece of write paper, while, considering the circumstance for a piece of black paper, em, your picture will not be visible. That is also true if you transform the paper to one's mind. A mind, unexperienced, like the young people, is curious to everything, and is eager to absorb whatever it can reach, not to say the persuasive opinions spread by their favorate famous celebrities. The young people, without judgment, will believe in every word said by the big-names, no matter it is responsible or not.

    Secondly, the information spreading needs media, so the access to the most advanced media will be responsible for the highest receiving rate of new opinions. It is obvious that the cellphones with the most recently technology, are always firstly gotten by the young fans of the Apple. Thus, with this new stuffs, the young people can surf on the internet ocean at a speed higher than ever before. However, when we consider their old parents, who, are accustomed with the hardcopy books and newspapers, can get access to the newest information much later, days, months or maybe years later than the youth. I can easily give an example of my aunt, who is born in 1960s, seldom watches news. Till the day when the iPhone X was published, she even had not heard such an big named company. How can you imagine that she can be more influenced and regard more important than the youth the information by the newest celebrities, whom she even does not heard.

    Finally, usually, the elder people have more experience in the higher level education, from where they have created their own perspective towards the outside world. Consequently, they have their own judgment on what they are interested, which will prevent them from getting influenced by opinions from others. Thus, the opinions from the celebrities can make no difference in their life.

    In conclusion, considering all I mentioned above, the naivety of young people, the access to the newest information media and the independent judgement of the elder ones, it is convincing for us to say that the opinions of celebrities are more important to younger people.



          本文标题:无题,因为写跑题了 —— TPO 46 Independent
