import random
def randomList(count:int=10) -> list:
'''return a random list with elements from 0 to count-1'''
return random.sample(range(count), count)
# Recursively. Θ(lgn)
def maxHeapify(array, arrayLength, fatherIndex):
'''Maintain the max-heap property from the fatherIndex-th element'''
largestIndex = fatherIndex
leftIndex = 2 * fatherIndex
rightIndex = leftIndex+1
# Keep indices lower than len of the array
if leftIndex<arrayLength and array[leftIndex]>array[largestIndex]:
largestIndex = leftIndex
if rightIndex<arrayLength and array[rightIndex]>array[largestIndex]:
largestIndex = rightIndex
if largestIndex != fatherIndex:
array[largestIndex], array[fatherIndex] = array[fatherIndex], array[largestIndex]
maxHeapify(array, arrayLength, largestIndex)
# Cyclically. Θ(lgn)
def maxHeapify(array, arrayLength, fatherIndex):
'''Maintain the max-heap property from the fatherIndex-th element'''
largestIndex = fatherIndex
while True:
leftIndex = 2 * fatherIndex
rightIndex = leftIndex+1
# Keep indices lower than len of the array
if leftIndex<arrayLength and array[leftIndex]>array[largestIndex]:
largestIndex = leftIndex
if rightIndex<arrayLength and array[rightIndex]>array[largestIndex]:
largestIndex = rightIndex
if largestIndex != fatherIndex:
array[largestIndex], array[fatherIndex] = array[fatherIndex], array[largestIndex]
fatherIndex = largestIndex
# Θ(n)
def buildMaxHeap(array):
'''Convert an original array into a max heap'''
for i in reversed(range(len(array)//2)):
maxHeapify(array, len(array), i)
# Θ(nlgn)
def heapSort(array):
'''Heap sort a designated array'''
if len(array)<=1:
for i in reversed(range(1, len(array))):
array[0], array[i] = array[i], array[0]
maxHeapify(array, i, 0)
# Trial
array = randomList()