2020-02-03-Britain Exits Shrug:

2020-02-03-Britain Exits Shrug:

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-02-03 17:23 被阅读0次

    Britain Exits Shrug: Just get on with it.


    Britain formally exits the European Union onFriday night, casting off the Continent after nearly half a century and ending adebate that had convulsed the country for more than three years. Yet for allthe gravity of the moment, there is palpable a sense of anti-climax.


    Now that Britain has finally reached thepoint of no return- one that millions of Britons had long either dreaded or dreamed of, marched against or eagerly prepared for-the prevailing emotion is neither sadness nor excitement. Rather, it is characteristically British reflex:getting on with it.


    In time, the British are likely to discover that getting on with it isn’t so easy. For the next 11 months, Britain will continueto abide by the European rules and regulations, while it decides what sort ofthe Brexit it wants for itself. That will be hammered out with talks with the block’s leaders in Brussels over trade relations-negotiations that could proveas divisive and traumatic as the political fight over the withdrawal.


    But that, for now, lies in the future. Formost people, there will not be all that different when the sun rises on Saturdaymorning.


    New expressions:

    Shrug n.耸肩v.耸肩

    Reach the point of no return 到了无法回头的地步

    Hammer out 达成协议hammer

    sth out 设计出什么

    Cast off 摆脱(一般指船上坐船摆脱)

    Dread v.担心,惧怕

    March v.示威游行

    Marched against sth, 示威抗议某事

    Prevailing adj.流行的,一般的,占优势的,

    Climax: 高潮,极点Anti-Climax虎头蛇尾,令人扫兴的结尾

    Bloc n.集团,团体

    Get on with it: 动手啊,提高效果,

    Divisive adj.分裂的

    Traumatic adj. (心理)创伤的(生理)创伤的

    Convulse vt. 震撼;使剧烈震动;使抽搐



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