The supreme meaning is not a meaning and not an absurdity...
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning It is not a...
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.
To universe, there’s no meaning, but just being. Meaning ...
————仅为生存,却很少有人考虑过生存的意义 当生命的源头 归为一滩死水 华贵的金银 只会沉入其中 深不见底 做一...
你总想让我生活的有意义,其实现在的我,只想生活的有意思。 宇宙的丛林法则,人类不过是试验品,跳梁小丑。总会回归尘土。
生活中得不到的东西 统统在文字世界里实现吧
Chapter 3Pragmatic Meaning 2017.9.20 Semantic meaning and...
Do you know the meaning of"DIY"? Its meaning is"Do it you...
本文标题:The meaning