- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
- Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
image.pngreview: summary of the performance of sorting algorithms
image.pngwe can do better if we don't depend on key compares.
assume that keys are integers between 0 and R-1
LSD Radix sort
consider character from right to left, stably sort using d th character as the key (using key-indexed counting)
How to sort one million 32 bit integers?
- if we use quick sort, we will cost 1.39 * log(1 million) * n = 28 N
- if we use LSD, we will cost 2 * 10 * n = 20N
but the space cost quick sort wins; for stability, LSD sort wins.
MSD Radix sort
partition array into R pieces according to first character
recursively sort all strings that start with each character
treat strings as if they had an extra char at end (this char should smaller than any char)
improvement : cutoff to insertion sort
MSD vs quick sort
msd need extra space for aux[] and count[], inner loop has a lot of instructions, access memory randomly
linearithmic number of string compares
has to rescan many character in keys with long prefix matches
combine MSD and quick sort
do 3-way partitioning on the dth character
less overhead than R-way partitioning in MSD string sort
does not re-examine character equal to the partitioning char
suffix array
image.png image.png image.png image.pngManber-Myers algorithm implementation is added into extra credit
we can develop linear-time sorts. key compares not necessary for string keys.
we can develop sublinear-time sorts, input size is amount of data in keys, not all of the data has to be examined
input size is Radix, not number of keys.
3-way string quicksort is asymptotically optimal.
・1.39 N lg N chars for random data.
Q1 2-sum
image.pngjust sort with LSD, then use two pointer
Q2 American flag sort
image.pngcounting sort
Q3 Cyclic rotations.
image.pngforeach string, we could build suffix string sorting array, and use the first string in array as the finger print, check the finger print have same, we could use hashset to achieve it.
if we use Ukkonen’s algorithm, we could achieve it in O(L), then the total time complexity is O(nL)
in my github, i use manber myer which time complexity is O(L * log L * n)
course quiz and project : https://github.com/yixuaz/algorithm4-princeton-cos226