Last week I saw a movie named "the pianist" which was directed by Roman Polanski. This movie tells a touching story that a Poland pianist Szpilman was arrested by German soldiers and under the help of many kind persons he finally got rescued. This is a real story of a poand pianist and this film was recomposed by the piamist' autobiography.
Like other 2 war movie, this film has many heartbreaking and suffocating moments. But the audience would also feel the warmness from several kind and brave friends help this pianist. Especially at the end of the meeting, a German military officer selflessly helped Szpilman and finally help him over the dangerous situation. I was so touched By the story that afterwards i search the Internet and got to know this officer' name was Roman Polanski. He not only helped Szpilman and other polish Jewish people, totally 50 people.
The fist time i saw this movie i was a little disappointed with the actor. Because i thought he would use piano to stop the wara or save many people, at least his benefactor. But when i finished watching, i found he was an ordinary people who luckily got saved from the Navi concentration camp.
The second time i saw the movie i a little bit understand the intention of the director. He want to showcase how an ordinary people got saved from the nazi jail. Though not amazing like Sindra' list, but provide a different angle to see 2 war.