Official Python 3 Documentation -
"official"/technical explanation of what a particular function/operator does, examples of correct syntax, what the various libraries are, etc.
Dive Into Python - another survey of Python syntax, datatypes, etc.
Think Python by Allen Downey - a good general overview of the Python language. Includes exercises.
The Official Python Tutorial - self-explanatory
Learn Python the Hard Way - (note: for Python 2) another free online text
Reserved Keywords in Python - don't use these as variable names
PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code - learn what is good and bad style in Python
CheckIO - learn Python by exploring a game world
Invent with Python - develop your Python skills by making games or hacking ciphers
Codecademy - (note: for Python 2) learn Python by building web apps and manipulating data; interactive tutorial sequence
Python Tutor - interactive tutorial sequence of exercises
Blog with tutorials - created by one of our community TAs
Python Tutor - an excellent way to actually visualize how the interpreter actually reads and executes your code
DiffChecker - compares two sets of text and shows you which lines are different
Debugging in Python - steps you can take to try to debug your program
- Python Tools for Visual Studio - Visual Studio plug-in enabling Python programming
Other Q&A
- Stack Overflow - a large Q&A forum for programming concepts (not just Python). Try searching here before you post on the edX forum, and you may find that someone has already answered your question.
More practice problems
Python Challenge - a series of puzzles you can try to test your Python abilities
Project Euler - additional programming challenges you can try once your Python knowledge becomes stronger; problems are sorted by increasing difficulty
Coding Bat - problems you can solve within an online interpreter
Codewars - improve your skills by training on real code challenges