台词:零食辣么多,遇到取材安全正对自己口味又好吃不贵的零食绝对是一件幸福的事。印尼进口 papatonk啪啪通鲜虾片木薯片40g休闲零食绝不是普通薯片,是虾片哦,吃到它,你绝对会对它相见恨晚,虾味好浓好浓好浓呀,又香又鲜的呢,一口下去超满足! Papatonk啪啪通虾片的虾肉含量高达35%,除了用料足、好吃,营养成分也是杠杠的捏。我们都知道虾的蛋白含量高,菇凉们吃虾美容,宝贝们吃虾补充维生素,纯正天然的虾肉搭配正宗的印尼木薯粉和鸡蛋,让你吃的更有营养,并且还不会长胖,正宗的印尼传统做法,让你寸步不离国门也能吃上纯正地道的印尼风味吓!更有原味、海苔味、冬阴功味三种口味任你选,没吃过的小伙伴们快来尝一尝吧!
3.阅读一篇以上internet content provider 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
标题:What Is an Internet Content Provider?
The term Internet service provider, or ISP, has been around for years, and obviously refers to the company who gives you Internet access, such as AT&T; or Comcast. As the Internet becomes more rooted in the world and broadband and connections increase, companies that deliver content online have started to surface and the term Internet content provider has sprung up with it. ICPs have taken advantages of new Internet technologies such as DSL and cable connections as well as TV and set-top boxes that connect to the Internet to provide information and entertainment.
关键词:①handles ②distribution ③Implications ④ICPs ⑤cable connections