1.1 Hardware and Software you need
- USRP B210
- googleearth
- gr-air-modes (https://github.com/bistromath/gr-air-modes.git)
- Python >= 2.5
- Gnuradio >= 3.5.0 ( Reference resources:https://www.cnblogs.com/moon1992/p/5781166.html?utm_source=itdadao&utm_medium=referral)
- Ettus UHD >= 3.4.0 for use with - USRPs
- osmosdr (any version) for use with RTLSDR dongles
- SQLite 3.7 or later
- CMake 2.6 or later
1.2 Steps
- 1.2.1 Downloda gr-air-modes,and install with README
- 1.2.2 Type following commands in your command line to build up environment you will need in this Experiment
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev
sudo apt-get install python-zmq
run python and type as follow
Python 2.7.12(default,Nov 19 2016,06:48:10)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type “help”,“copyright”,“credits” or “license” for more information.
>>>import zmq
- 1.2.3 Download googleearth
- 1.2.4 Link USRP B210 to you computer and makes sure your computer can detecte USRP (maybe you should update your hardware)
the following commands make your USRP hardware update(Reference resources:https://blog.csdn.net/yundanfengqing_nuc/article/details/78352804)
sudo uhd_images_downloader
if you have this response, you are good to go

- 1.2.5 now, you can receive ADS-B signals from air with following command.
modes_rx -A RX2 -K aircraft.kml

This command can make collected signals into the aircraft.kml
let the equipment receive signal for a while and close this program.
Now you can open aircraft.kml
with googleearth.

2.1 Hardware and Software you need
- HarkRF One
- googleearth
- ADSB-Out-master (https://github.com/lyusupov/ADSB-Out.git)
2.2 Steps
- 2.2.1 Download and compile harkcrf's environment.
git clone --progress http://github.com/mossmann/hackrf.git
cd hackrf/host
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
as follow

- 2.2.2 Update HackRF hardware
① download hackrf-2017.02.1.tar.xz
from https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf/releases
② unzip files into home
③ move four files(cmak, hackrf-tools, libhackrf, CMakeLists.txt ) into hackrf-2017.02.1
catalog from home
④ type command as following
cd host
mkdir build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
⑤ get in firmware-bin
hackrf_spiflash -Rw hackrf_one_usb.bin //update SPI
hackrf_cpldjtag -x hackrf_cpld_default.xsvf //update CPLD
now you can see three lights (USB、RX、TX) are twinkling, which means updating is succeed.
restart the HackRF before next step
- 2.2.3 Broadcast signal
get intoADSB-Out-master
and type following commands one by one
ADSB_Encoder.py 0xABCDEF 12.34 56.78 9999.0 //Execute *ADSB_Encoder.py* script with `<ICAO>` `<Latitude>` `<Longtitude>` `<Altitude>` arguments:
dd if=Samples.iq8s of=Samples_256K.iq8s bs=4k seek=63 //Make the raw signal file aligned to 256K buffer size:
hackrf_transfer -t Samples_256K.iq8s -f 1090000000 -s 2000000 -x 10 -R //Transmit the signal into air:
you will see the picture in the end if you succeed.

you also can check README
to get more informations.
now you can use USRP to receive your signal and check it with googleearth.
3 Upgrade
- send some different signals ( different between ICAO, Latitude ,Longitude, Altitude)
deliberately.- collect signal, and select that you just broadcasted.
- use googleearth confirm it.
3.1 Steps
3.1.1 Choose the different signals(change Latitude and Longitude.make sure the Altitude is still 200 to differ with normal fight)
3.1.2 Change the original program

3.1.3 Run the python program
3.1.4 Collect the signal
3.1.5 Check the
(made with aircraft.kml)
3.1.6Open with Googleearth