需要遵从协议 NSKeyValueCoding , NSObject 遵从此协议,实现协议方法,所以大多数 NSObject 的子类不必重写这两个方法:
- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)setValue:(nullable id)value forKey:(NSString *)key;
- valueForKey: 取定义过的key值
特别的是,在容器类上调用此方法,会将消息传递给容器类中的每一个对象,而不是对容器本身进行操作。 - valueForUndefinedKey: 取未定义的key值
key 与 keyPath 的区别
A key is a string that identifies a specific property.
A key path is a string of dot-separated keys used to specify a sequence of object properties to traverse.
给基本类型的属性置 nil,程序会崩溃引发 NSInvalidArgumentException 异常。
重写- (void)setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key 方法避免异常。
A collection operator is one of a small list of keywords preceded by an at sign (@) that specifies an operation that the getter should perform to manipulate the data in some way before returning it.
Search Pattern for the Basic Getter
对于setValue:属性值 forKey:@"name";代码,底层的执行机制如下:
(4).如果上面3条都没有找到,系统将会执行该对象的setValue: forUndefinedKey:方法。默认setValue: forUndefinedKey:方法会引发一个异常,将会导致程序崩溃。
Adopting Key-Value Coding
Using a @propertystatement, allowing the compiler to automatically synthesize the ivar and accessors.
@property 自动为属性配置get、set方法
Normally, the compiler does this for you when automatically synthesizing properties, but if you use an explicit @synthesize directive, you can enforce this naming yourself:
@synthesize 为属性配置名字
@synthesize title = _title;
use a @dynamic directive to inform the compiler that you will provide getters and setters at runtime.
@dynamic 为属性动态提供get、set方法
When the property is a scalar or a structure, the default implementation of key-value coding wraps the value in an object for use on the protocol method’s interface
iOS 之键值编码(KVC)与键值监听(KVO)