1. finish (doing) sth 完成(做)某事 finish up with sth 以...结束 g...
You end up doing it over and over again.
1.up up for sth/up for doing sth 对……感兴趣,想做某事 Are you up f...
-ing 结构 consider doing sth. 思索做某事 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 ...
Stop DOING somethingStop TO DO something 第一个的意思是“停止做某事”。第...
1.keep doing坚持做某事 2.keep sb.doing使某人一直做某事 3.practise doin...
fed up 夏天温度高,酷热难耐。心情也会觉得不爽。这个时候fed up最能表达此刻的心情。 它的意思是对某事...
“铁了心做某事”英文怎么说? set one's heart on (doing) sth.“铁了心做某事,一心想...
WORDS can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事,情不自禁的做某事 I really coul...
本文标题:end up doing 不是“结束做某事”的意思,一般都表达一