1. A story about forgiveness
It was when the author was 16, once she drove for a ride with Hannah, her ladybro who would become a model later. Unfortunately, a car crash happened, and left an irremovable scar on Hannah's face, which ended her modeling career. The author was deep in self-blame, but Hannah's mother forgave her, and so did Hannah. The car accident marred Hanna's face, but her gift of forgiveness left no scratch on this friendship.
2. A case triggered by the mosquito
We all know the mosquito can raise infectious diseases, but have you ever heard they triggered a case? Here a worker called William who was engaged in repaired rail line in Sweeny, Texas, which christened "the mosquito captital of the world " was bitten by the mosquito and has suffered permanent damage. Then he sued his employer, the railload company- Union Pacific never protect the worker from hurt on the job or provide him a safe work environment. Union Pacific argued that it cannot sure when or where the mosquito that infected William bit him, at work site or at his home, anytime he went outdoors during his time or on that job.