5. Ted: 30岁之前,请逼自己成为这样的人

5. Ted: 30岁之前,请逼自己成为这样的人

作者: 闪电侠悟空 | 来源:发表于2020-07-15 08:08 被阅读0次

    Three things:

    • Forget the identity crisis, get some identity capital. Do something adds value to who you are. Do something intuitive investment to who you might be in the next. Identity capital begets more identity capital. The exploration, which does not make a count, is procrastination
    • The urban track is overrated. The new capital always comes from the outside of the inter-circle. New things come from what we called weak ties. It is the science how the information spreads
    • You can not choose your family, but you can choose your friend. The time to start picking your family is now; it is not progress.

    "To achieve great things, you need a plan and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein.



          本文标题:5. Ted: 30岁之前,请逼自己成为这样的人
