Running Day9

Running Day9

作者: 倦鸟归矣 | 来源:发表于2017-04-08 21:34 被阅读0次

1.proficient               ADJ

able to do sth well because of training and practice 熟練的;嫺熟的;精通的;訓練有素的

proficientin sth/in doing sth

proficientat sth/at doing sth

仿 He is proficient at singing.

原You worry about little things, can’t pinpoint where you are in any objective way, become really proficient at strange, pointless skills, and are held in thrall by inexplicable complexes.

2.composure            NOUN

the state of being calm and in control of your feelings or behaviour 沉着;鎮靜;鎮定

to keep /lose /recover /regain your composure 保持╱失去╱恢復鎮靜

仿 He had a composure well beyond his years.

原It’s taken some time to get over the shock and regain my composure.

3.tenacious             ADJ

that does not stop holding sth or give up sth easily; determined 緊握的;不鬆手的;堅持的

continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect 頑強的;堅忍不拔的

仿She has a tenacious memory.

原Some day, I thought, I’m going to get revenge. When it comes to things like this, I’m pretty tenacious.

4.makeover          NOUN

the process of improving the appearance of a person or a place, or of changing the impression that sth gives (外觀的)改進,改善;修飾;翻新

仿We will getting a total makeover.

原It isn’t easy to get rid of bad swimming habits, so my new coach didn’t try to forcefully do a total makeover.

5.mundane               ADJ

not interesting or exciting 單調的;平凡的

仿 It is a rather mundane task.

原After our unpretentious race on a fall Sunday, we were all on our way back to our own homes, back to our own mundane lives.


When it comes to things like this, I’m pretty tenacious. If there’s something I can’t do but want to, I won’t relax until I’m able to do it.作者的确向他自己所说的这样。想做什么就全身心投入,在征服困难前再苦再累再受伤也坚决不放弃。

Through experience you learn how to compensate for your physical shortcomings. To put it another way, learning from experience is what makes the triathlon so much fun.胜利或失败都不是重点。最重要的是我们在自己努力的过程中看到了自己的缺点并且学会了怎么去改正它。

Maybe it’s some pointless act like, as I’ve said before, pouring water into an old pan that has a hole in the bottom, but at least the effort you put into it remains.


For a runner like me, what’s really important is reaching the goal I set myself, under my own power. I give it everything I have, endure what needs enduring, and am able, in my own way, to be satisfied.



mess up

to spoil sth or do it badly


go down the drain


go over



In today's reading, the author told us how he overcame his problems in swimming and finally completed the triathlon. It is obvious that the author is a tenacious men and has clear-cut goals. He often analyzes his shortcomings and corrects them in time. I want to learn from the author to get rid of my procrastination and become a better person that can make me proud.



      本文标题:Running Day9
