流利说 L6-U1 P2 Games

流利说 L6-U1 P2 Games

作者: sindy00 | 来源:发表于2020-04-22 08:28 被阅读0次


    If the weather hadn't been bad, the accident probably wouldn't have happened.

    He had just arrived on a flight from London and was taking a taxi into the city.

    It wouldn't be possible to travel, so he would have to find another way to attend meetings.

    He enjoyed his studies and graduated a few months ago.

    He has practiced hard, so he should do well in the competition.

    He may have taken his computer with him, but I'm not sure if he did or not.

    When we use the perfect form, the primary focus is on the subject of the sentence, not the verb. It emphasizes condition, experience or results rather than actions or events. " She has already left the hotel." "She left the hotel a few minutes ago." in these two examples, we see the contrast. The top sentence gives the condition or state of the subject and the bottom sentence expresses an event.

    The  weather was terrible and the road was icy. He was in a hurry, so he asked the taxi driver to get him into the city as soon as possible. The taxi driver agreed and sped up, but just as they left the airport, the car went out of control. It spun around and skidded into the path of an oncoming truck. Fortunately, the truck wasn't going too fast, so nobody was killed.

    Of course he isn't planning to give up on his leg. if he works hard he might still be able to regain their use and learn to walk again. Some of his nerves had been damaged, but there is a chance that they will heal. The new drugs being developed might make it possible for the nerves to grow back. Still, he has to face the possibility that not will work.



          本文标题:流利说 L6-U1 P2 Games
