Nothing crave, nothing have

Nothing crave, nothing have

作者: MrHitchcock | 来源:发表于2020-03-30 10:17 被阅读0次

    整理来自公众号 'Tina笔记存档'

    • save one's bottom,这个短语还可以说成 save one's ass/butt,这个短语经常在口语中使用,表示“救了某人一命、帮某人脱离了危险”,含有“粗鲁”的意味。

      save one's ass
    • audit sb's course 旁听某人的课程
    • chauffeur /ˈʃəʊfə(r)/ ,someone whose job is to drive a car for someone else 受雇为他人开车的司机
      这个词还可以作为动词使用,经常用的短语是 chauffeur sb around,to drive someone in your car, especially when you do not want to(尤指非情愿地)开车载某人
      I spent most of the day chauffeuring the kids around.
    • walk,不仅有“走路”的意思,还可以表示“陪某人走;护送某人到某地 ”,因此,送某人回家 我们就可以说 walk sb home
      It’s late – I’ll walk you home . 很晚了— 我送你回家。
    • situated, in a particular spot or position
      get sb situated,帮某人找座位,让某人坐好
    • cornea /'kɔrnɪə/ n. 角膜
    • iris /'aɪrɪs/ n. 虹膜
    • patch (衣服上的)补丁、眼罩
    • fired up = excited
      eg. She was fired up. 她打鸡血了。
    • take a shine to sb = develop a liking for sb
    • shine at sth = be good at sth 擅长某事
      to like someone you have only just met , especially in a romantic way 一眼就喜欢上某人,(尤指)对某人一见钟情
    • be given to understand/know sth 不小心得知某事(表示不是自己主动去了解的)
    • be given to doing sth,往往会做某事(尤指不该做的事),to tend to do something, especially something that you should not do
      He was a quiet man, not usually given to complaining.
    • dodge a bullet,躲过一劫,to barely avoid being hit or affected by something harmful
      The island dodged a bullet when the hurricane turned south.
      take a bullet 中弹
    • spice sth up 为…增添情趣
      spice up your marriage
      a discovery which spiced the conversation up quite a bit
    • add spice to sth 给…增添趣味
      Seeing exotic places adds spice to a holiday.
    • backside,屁股
      Get up off your backside and do some work!
    • give sb a piece of your mind,不留情面地批评某人
      syn. If you chew someone out, you tell them off in a very angry way.
      这里的 chew sb out 和前面的 give sb a piece of your mind 类似,表示“训斥某人”
    • action figure,手办
    • go ballistic=to become very angry,暴跳如雷,发飚
      He went ballistic when I told him.
    • sacrilegious /ˌsækrəˈlıʤəs/ 亵渎神圣的;大不敬的;无礼的
    • line,在这里是“立场”的意思
      hold the line on sth,对某事保持强硬立场,我们也可以用 take a hard line on sth
    • push sb's buttons = to make sb react in either a positive or a negative way
      I've known him for years, but I still don't know what pushes his buttons.
    • dig,在口语里面有“喜欢”的意思
      eg. I'am diggin'it. 我就喜欢你这样。
    • dish soap,洗洁精
    • back down,服软,放弃主张,打退堂鼓
    • maroon /məˈruːn/ 褐紫红色的;栗色的
      maroon 还可以做动词,困住,使无法逃脱
      If someone is marooned somewhere, they are left in a place that is difficult for them to escape from.
      ...after years of being marooned on a desert island
    • report card 成绩单
    • knock/blow sb’s socks off 使某人惊异,给某人深刻印象
    • feast your eyes on sb/sth 享受视觉盛宴



          本文标题:Nothing crave, nothing have
