- 突然之间感觉自己swift一点都不知道根本就生存不下去,所以赶紧看看swift,先看看源码吧(语法很重要),看到了王魏大大的Kingfisher,他的调用方式我记得以前是kf_xxx 怎么现在成了kf.xxx了,跟我看看吧!
myArray.map { ... }
myArray.lazy.map { ... }
先看看在RxSwift 中的实现 Reactive.swift文件
public struct Reactive<Base> {
/// Base object to extend.
public let base: Base
/// Creates extensions with base object.
/// - parameter base: Base object.
public init(_ base: Base) {
self.base = base
/// A type that has reactive extensions.
public protocol ReactiveCompatible {
/// Extended type
associatedtype CompatibleType
/// Reactive extensions.
static var rx: Reactive<CompatibleType>.Type { get set }
/// Reactive extensions.
var rx: Reactive<CompatibleType> { get set }
extension ReactiveCompatible {
/// Reactive extensions.
public static var rx: Reactive<Self>.Type {
get {
return Reactive<Self>.self
set {
// this enables using Reactive to "mutate" base type
/// Reactive extensions.
public var rx: Reactive<Self> {
get {
return Reactive(self)
set {
// this enables using Reactive to "mutate" base object
import class Foundation.NSObject
/// Extend NSObject with `rx` proxy.
extension NSObject: ReactiveCompatible { }
然后呢你在搜索 extension Reactive where Base

看完之后,我反正是一脸懵逼,再看Kingfisher 实现代码在Kingfisher.swift 中
// MARK: 申明了泛型类Kingfisher 实现了一个简单构造器,final修饰不可继承,不做任何实际的操作
public final class Kingfisher<Base> {
public let base: Base
public init(_ base: Base) {
self.base = base
A type that has Kingfisher extensions.
// MARK: 这段代码定义了一个协议,然而协议是不支持泛型的,只能用assocaitedtype这个关键字来声明一个类型。
public protocol KingfisherCompatible {
associatedtype CompatibleType
var kf: CompatibleType { get }
//MARK: 实现里面这个属性get方法里面返回的就是Kingfisher<Base>这个类
public extension KingfisherCompatible {
public var kf: Kingfisher<Self> {
get { return Kingfisher(self) }
// MARK: 将Protocol加载到所需的Base类上
extension Image: KingfisherCompatible { }
#if !os(watchOS)
extension ImageView: KingfisherCompatible { }
extension Button: KingfisherCompatible { }
在搜索extension Kingfisher where Base
你看到了什么,阅读ImageView+Kingfisher.swift 中的setImage 方法,这时候我想你就可以自己写出imageView.xxx.eat()