

作者: 求疵 | 来源:发表于2018-03-24 03:29 被阅读0次



Ross knew that his ex-wife Carol was pregnant with his child, and he was shocked. Carol invited him to the hospital to see the sonogram with her and Susan. They quarreled about the baby's name.
Rachel went to see Barrier and got known that he went on their honeymoon with her bridesmaid, she was very upset and gave the engagement ring to him. The conversation was very funny in the dental.
Monica cleaned up the house for her parents' visit. Her mom criticised her cooking and her dad kept talking at the dinner. She turned to Ross, wish that he can bring up the baby thing to take the heat off her. Finally, her mom seemed to blame Monica after knowing the whole baby story.
There was nothing special happening to Joey, Phoebe and Chandler in this episode.

e·rect /ɪˈrɛkt/ adjective

[more erect; most erect] : straight up and down

  • The soldiers stood erect.

para·noid /ˈperəˌnoɪd/ adjective

  1. medical : of, relating to, or suffering from a mental illness that causes you to falsely believe that people are trying to harm you
  • paranoid behavior/schizophrenia
  • a paranoid mental patient
  1. [more paranoid; most paranoid] : having or showing an unreasonable feeling that people are trying to harm you, do not like you, etc. : feeling or showing paranoia
  • I guess I was just being paranoid.
  • She's a little paranoid about her job.

fluff /ˈflʌf/ verb

fluffs; fluffed; fluffing
[+ object]
: to shake or move (something, such as a pillow) so that it is fuller, lighter, or softer

  • Would you like me to fluff (up) your pillows?

ammu·nition /ˌæmjəˈnɪʃən/ noun 约等于evidence

: the objects (such as bullets and shells) that are shot from weapons

  • The troops were supplied with weapons and ammunition.
    — often used figuratively
  • She had the ammunition to prove her case. [=she had the evidence she needed to prove her case]
  • His foolish statements provided his opponents with more ammunition to use against him in the campaign.

chao·tic /keɪˈɑːtɪk/ adjective disorder

[more chaotic; most chaotic]
: in a state of complete confusion or disorder

  • After he became famous, his life became even more chaotic.

名词 chaos

  • The loss of electricity causedchaos throughout the city.
  • When the police arrived, the street was in total chaos.

dread /ˈdrɛd/ verb fear to do something

dreads; dreaded; dreading
[+ object]
: to fear something that will or might happen

  • He can't swim and dreads going in the water.
  • She dreaded making speeches in front of large audiences.

put things in perspective

This means to compare with something similar to help one get a better and clearer view of something. For example: "We often think that we have difficult problems in life, but compared to people who are homeless, starving or dying, our problems aren't that bad."

Kinda put that (pillow thing) in perspective. (Ross告诉大家Carol怀孕了,Joey对Monica说了这句话)

spaghetti /spə'ɡɛti/


bring (something) up or bring up (something)

to mention (something) when talking : to start to talk about (something)

  • We were waiting for a suitable moment to bring up[=introduce, raise] the whole baby thing.

take the heat off someone :off就是去掉的意思,相当于从我身上分担一些焦点走

tv. to relieve the pressure on someone; to free someone from suspicion, responsibility, a deadline, etc. The confession by Rocko took the heat off the cop-shop for a while.

What's that supposed to mean? 句型, what's that supposed to..

puzzles 拼图,or填字游戏


pro /ˈproʊ/ noun professional

plural pros
: someone who is paid to participate in a sport or activity :[professional]

  • tennis/golf pros
  • He just turned pro this year. [=he just became a professional this year]

I gotta clean up now. 动词 大扫除

I am cleaning up.

cleanup /ˈkliːnˌʌp/ noun 名词

plural cleanups
: the process of cleaning something

  • The children helped with the cleanup [=helped to clean up] after the meal.
    — often used before another noun
  • The cleanup costs of the oil spill will be in the millions of dollars.

stay clear of someone or something 远离

to keep one's distance from something, usually something dangerous.

Please stay clear of me. I have the flu.

lens 镜片,隐形眼镜 复数 lenses

plugs 本身插入的意思,插头--->hair plugs 植发


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