Being in peace with yourself

Being in peace with yourself

作者: 宣雄民 | 来源:发表于2021-12-25 18:11 被阅读0次
    • Accept the unfolding of life without clinging, judgment, resistance, or fear.
    • Release control of other people and situations.
    • Know when to cease desperate attempts to figure things out.
    • Give up people-pleasing, and people rescuing.
    • Incline the mind to focus on creating a solution rather than focusing on a problem.
    • Stop giving so much attention/emotional energy to people and conditions that surround you. Let go of the pointless stress weighing down your mind.
    • Be wary of allowing your perception of a situation to dictate your experience of reality.
    • Learn to quiet your mind and lean towards resting as Beingness. This state will help you maintain a connection with your higher self/consciousness, and keep you in a place of knowing that all is well, and always working out for you.

    It means that you can forgive yourself for mistakes or bad behavior. It means you can be fine with being who you are and not struggling to become another person that you are not, but you can also realistically evaluate things to improve upon. I call BS on some of these out there answers because it doesn't mean being perfect or detached. Self-actualized is not the same as being at peace with yourself. SA implies you have done everything you have set out to do, or that you have realized that some of those things don't matter and let them go.

    Being at peace with oneself, for me, means liking yourself as a person and being comfortable with you. You can usually be comfortable in most situations because you have a handle on your behavior and know the things you do and don't like. You can accept that not everyone will like you and you may not like others. But you will have enough perspective to usually let that sort of thing go most of the time. People at peace with themselves still have bad days or feel bad, they aren't constantly high on life or better than anyone else. A janitor can be at peace with oneself and a movie star may not be even close.

    Your motivations can still be selfish, but generally, people at peace with their own self can see how others feel about a situation. They don't have to do everything based on fear or what others may think, though sometimes someone can be this way in a more repressive social situation too. Usually, I would say someone who does not struggle to control their fear and anger and does not dislike themselves is at peace with who they are.

    It's not perfection, it's not Nirvana states 24/7, it's just being yourself and doing the best you can to be that person whenever possible.

    You would be at peace with yourself if you do the following

    • Do not hold grudges.
    • Be at present.
    • Avoid ego.
    • Do not compare yourself with others.
    • Meditate
    • Accept people as they are
    • Learn from mistakes.
    • Take responsibility
    • Have faith in self
    • Be optimistic
    • Enjoy with nature
    • Do what you enjoy
    • Have patience
    • Be kind to self and others
    • Forgive yourself and others



          本文标题:Being in peace with yourself
