

作者: dittoyy3991 | 来源:发表于2017-07-08 12:08 被阅读39次


    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import bs4
    html = """
    <html><head><title>The Dormouse's story</title></head>
    <p class="title" name="dromouse"><b>The Dormouse's story</b></p>
    <p class="story">Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
    <a href="http://example.com/elsie" class="sister" id="link1"><!-- Elsie --></a>,
    <a href="http://example.com/lacie" class="sister" id="link2">Lacie</a> and
    <a href="http://example.com/tillie" class="sister" id="link3">Tillie</a>;
    and they lived at the bottom of a well.</p>
    <p class="story">...</p>
    soup=BeautifulSoup(html)#创建 beautifulsoup 对象
    # soup1=BeautifulSoup(open('index.html', html.parser, from_encoding='utf-8'))#还可以用本地 HTML 文件来创建对象
    '''print soup.prettify()#格式化打印出了它的内容,不过已经是unicode了'''
    '''1  tag就是标签,查找的是在所有内容中的第一个符合要求的标签'''
    print soup.title
    print soup.head#.title
    print soup.a#居然只有一个.string#打印出它的text
    print type(soup.a)#<class 'bs4.element.Tag'>
    ###tag最重要的两个属性是attrs 和标签名字name
    print soup.name#自身特殊是[document]
    print soup.head.name#其余是输出其本身tag head
    print soup.p.attrs#获取所有属性字典{'class': ['title'], 'name': 'dromouse'}
    print soup.p['class']#得到属性值[title]
    print soup.p['class']
    del soup.p['class']#删除属性
    print soup.p.attrs
    print soup.p.attrs
    '''2   navigablestring     .string获取标签内部的文字'''
    print soup.p.string
    print type(soup.p.string)#<class 'bs4.element.NavigableString'>
    '''3  BeautifulSoup 对象表示的是一个文档的全部内容,大部分时候当作tag对象
    print type(soup.name)
    #<type 'unicode'>
    print soup.name
    # [document]
    print soup.attrs
    #{} 空字典
    '''4   comment 是特殊的navigablestring,其实输出依旧不包含注释符'''
    print soup.a.string
    print type(soup.a.string)#<class 'bs4.element.Comment'>
    # 因为无法分辨所以先做个判断是comment不,是才输出
    if type(soup.a.string)==bs4.element.Comment:
        print soup.a.string
    #遍历文本树1.contents 2.children返回的不是list,是个list生成器
    print soup.head.contents[0]#将tag的子节点以list输出,然后输出第几个
    # [<title>The Dormouse's story</title>]
    # print soup.body.contents
    print soup.head.children#<listiterator object at 0x0292DE90>
    # 生成器循环取值即可
    # # html所有的节点都被打印出来了
    # for child in soup.descendants:
    #     print child
    #     # # h的节点都被打印出来了
    # for child in soup.body.children:
    #     print child
    那么 .string 就会返回标签里面的内容。
    那么 .string 也会返回最里面的内容,
    print soup.head.string
    #The Dormouse's story
    print soup.title.string
    #The Dormouse's story
    print soup.html.string
    # None
    # 多个内容.strings
    for string in soup.strings:
        print repr(string)
    # u"The Dormouse's story"
    # u'\n'
    # u"The Dormouse's story"
    # u'\n'
    # u'Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were\n'
    # u',\n'
    # u'Lacie'
    # u' and\n'
    # u'Tillie'
    # u';\nand they lived at the bottom of a well.'
    # u'\n'
    # u'...'
    # 多个内容.stripped_strings去除多余空白内容
    for string in soup.stripped_strings:
    # u"The Dormouse's story"
    # u"The Dormouse's story"
    # u'Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were'
    # u'Elsie'
    # u','
    # u'Lacie'
    # u'and'
    # u'Tillie'
    # u';\nand they lived at the bottom of a well.'
    # u'...'
    # 父节点parent
    print p.parent.name#body
    print content#The Dormouse's story
    print content.parent.name#title,因为精确到了string,所以他的爸爸是title
    #parents 属性可以递归得到元素的所有父辈节点
    print content.parents#<generator object parents at 0x028A9288>
    for i in content.parents:
        print i.name
    # 兄弟节点 .next_sibling .previous_sibling
    # 这两属性通常是字符串或空白,因为空白或者换行也可以被视作一个节点,
    # 所以得到的结果可能是空白或者换行,节点不存在即返回None
    # print soup.p.next_siblings#<generator object next_siblings at 0x02885288>
    print soup.p.next_sibling
    print soup.p.previous_sibling
    # 全部兄弟节点 .next_siblings .previous_siblings
    for sibling in soup.p.next_siblings:
        print repr(sibling)
    #前后节点 .next_element .previous_element
    #与 .next_sibling  .previous_sibling 不同,
    print soup.head.next_element
    print soup.head.next_sibling
    #全部前后节点 .next_elements .previous_elements
    # .next_elements 和 .previous_elements 的迭代器
    # 就可以向前或向后访问文档的解析内容,
    # 就好像文档正在被解析一样
    for element in soup.head.next_elements:
        print repr(element)
    '''# 搜索文档树
    # find_all( name是tag , attrs , recursive , text , **kwargs )'''
    # 1tag查找与字符串完整匹配的内容,下面的例子用于查找文档中所有的<a>标签
    print soup.find_all('a')
    #Beautiful Soup会通过正则表达式的 match() 来匹配内容
    import re
    for tag in soup.find_all(re.compile('^b')):
        print tag.name
    print soup.find_all(['a','b'])
    # 4传True
    for tag in soup.find_all(True):
        print tag.name
    # 5传方法
    def hasclassnoid(tag):
        return tag.has_attr('class') and not tag.has_attr('id')
    print soup.find_all(hasclassnoid)
    # keyword参数,可以id,也可以属性,class不可以但是可以class_
    print soup.find_all(id='link2')
    print soup.find_all(href=re.compile('elsie'))#href包含了那几个字就可以了
    print soup.find_all(id='link1',href=re.compile('elsie'))#可以多个属性
    # find_all() 方法的 attrs 参数定义一个字典参数来搜索包含特殊属性的tag
    data_soup = BeautifulSoup('<div data-foo="value">foo!</div>')
    # data_soup.find_all(data-foo="value")
    # SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
    # data_soup.find_all(attrs={"data-foo": "value"})#返回的是一个list
    # [<div data-foo="value">foo!</div>]
    # text参数搜索文档中的字符串内容,与name参数一样接受字符串正则列表true
    print soup.find_all(text=['Elsie','Lacie'])#可以查找多个list
    print soup.find_all(text=re.compile("Dormouse"))
    print soup.find_all('a',limit=2)
    #tag的 find_all() 方法时,
    #Beautiful Soup会检索当前tag的所有子孙节点,
    #recursive=False .
    print soup.find_all('title',recursive=False)
    # 直接返回结果,不是list
    # find find_all
    # find_parents() find_parent
    # find_next_siblings()  find_next_sibling()
    # find_previous_siblings()  find_previous_sibling()
    # find_all_next()  find_next()
    # find_all_previous() 和 find_previous()
    # select 方法返回的结果都是列表形式,
    # 可以遍历形式输出,
    # 然后用 get_text() 方法来获取它的内容。
    # soup.select('tagname.class1.class2')[0]
    # soup.find('tagname', class_=['class1', 'class2'])
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
    print type(soup.select('title'))
    print soup.select('title')[0].get_text()
    for title in soup.select('title'):
        print title.get_text()
    from bs4.diagnose import diagnose
    data = open(bad.html).read()diagnose(data)



