[if !supportLists]1. [endif]科研成果呈现的通用逻辑是什么?
针对你感兴趣的话题和研究对象,从科研和学术的角度,你打算怎样呈现相应的 2W+H?
①Using econometric models to help setting out marketing strategies.
②How advertising affects sales?
③Using econometric models, data from many brands.
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]对于科研至关重要的文献综述,应遵循怎样的逻辑范式进行?根据你熟悉的领域,确定一个有意义的研究课题,并基于以往相关研究阐释其必要性和价值(用“漏斗”式故事思维,逐曾深入,直至指出research / literature gap及相应研究的必要性和价值)
先找最相关的文章,顺藤摸瓜,层层深入,终点是处女地,找到literature gap及其研究的必要性与价值。
①Key point: Stated intentions are biased
Morwitz, V. G., Cheng, H., & Sun, B. (2002). The role of stated intentions in new product purchase forecasting. Advances in Econometrics, 16(02), 11-28.
Leeflang, P. S. H., & Wittink, D. R. (2002). Once again: econometric model building in marketing. Marketing Research.
②Key point: product choice within a category is considered independently.但互补品、替代品效应仍存在。
Chib, S., Seetharaman, P. B., & Strijnev, A. (2002). Analysis of multi-category purchase incidence decisions using iri market basket data. Advances in Econometrics, 16(1), 57-92.
③Key point: standard regression can not work well since error term is truncated.
Parsons, L. J. (2002). Using stochastic frontier analysis for performance measurement and benchmarking. Advances in Econometrics, 16(16), 317-350.
Gap: 计量经济模型运用的越来越广泛但在做预测性分析上的文章还缺少。而且运用计量模型分析marketing strategy对sales影响的文章很少,可能因为strategy比较难量化,经济模型很难建立。