雅思考官分享:提高雅思写作Task1分数的8个方法 | InVi

雅思考官分享:提高雅思写作Task1分数的8个方法 | InVi

作者: 3325dfa9c12e | 来源:发表于2019-05-12 09:38 被阅读14次

作者:Dr. James McCloskey



Dr. James McCloskey, 应用语言学博士,持有英国皇家学会/剑桥大学TEFL学位。Jim博士是资深前雅思考官,目前于英国帝国理工学院担任英语导师。


在这个回答中,我将重点讨论雅思写作中的第一部分(Part 1)











引导新内容:‘Regarding X’, ‘Turning to X’ or ‘As for X’

将内容连接在一起:‘and’, ‘furthermore’, or ‘in addition’

比较和对比:‘similarly’, ‘likewise’, ‘in contrast’, or ‘on the other hand’


这里有一个小技巧,对中国考生特别有用:多用“指示代词”。指示词是像“this”或“these”这样的词。例如“this trend/increase/fall”,“these percent /figures/sales”。研究表明,中国学生很少使用指示代词,因为它们不在普通话中出现。相比之下,欧洲学生使用的频率要高50%,而且指示代词的使用率会随着分数从5分增加到6分,从6分增加到7分而增加。使用指示代词是一个能很好地说明如何在不“引人注意”的情况下使写作更连贯,出错的几率也很低例子。参见下面第6点中的示例文本,你可以了解一些使用指示代词的例子。







下面是一些雅思官方公布的关于Task 1中中国考生字数的数据。






The diagram describes the process by which electricity is generated by harnessing the power of water, as well as how this electricity is distributed to where it is needed.

A dam is located between two areas of water at different levels. The higher level of water is the reservoir.The process of generating electricity begins when reservoir water flows through an intake in the dam wall. This flow of water is controlled by a control gate. When the gate is open, water naturally flows downwardsfrom the reservoir through the penstock towards a turbine. The turbine is located in the powerhouse under the generator and transformer.The power of this water causes the turbine to spin and electricity in produced by the generator. After passing the turbine, the water continues to flow downwards and thenpasses from the outflow into the lower area of water. The electricity generated then passes through the transformer and is distributed to residential areas over large distances via powerlines high above the ground, where it is used for streetlighting and other purposes. 

Overall, the electricity generated in this process is produced in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner.(192)






The bar chart shows how much time children spent a day on various kinds of media in 2006 and 2016. Overall, there was a trend away from traditional mediasuch as TV, music, books and magazines and a growth in the use of newer media, notably phones and computers.

“traditional media”和“newer media”这两个类别并没有提供给你。你必须自己创造它们。像这样的分类是有用的,因为它们让你“用粗线条描绘”。记住,写作就是“在纸上思考”!你需要好的思维才能写出好的文章!所以,一定要给自己留出适当的时间来分析任务,并一直寻找将相似项目有逻辑地分组的方法。



Between 2006 and 2016, the use of different types of media changed significantly, with the exception of video games. In 2006, watching TV was the most popular activity at 2.5 hours a day, whereas only 0.1 hours were spent using social media and phones. From 2006 to 2016, the use of phones and social media rose significantly and replaced TV as the number one media activity at 2.5 hours per day. During thissame period, time spent watching TV fell considerably and became one of the least favourite types of media. Other traditional media, such as listening to music and reading also became far less popular. By 2016, children spent 50% less time using these media at 0.6 hours and 0.3 hours per day respectively. This contrasts with time spent using computers, which nearly doubled from 0.6 to 1.1 hours per day between 2006and 2016


7. 学会进行比较




The line graph illustrates the proportion of overseas students on UK postgraduate, undergraduate and foundation courses from 1985 to 2015. Overall, far more international students studied undergraduate courses than postgraduate or foundation courses during this period with the exception of 2010. 

In 1985, the proportion of international students taking undergraduate and postgraduate courses was broadly similarat around 40%. This contrasted tojust less than 15% of students taking foundation courses. From 1985 to 2000, the proportion of undergraduate level students rose steadily to peak at approximately 75%. During the same period, the percentage of students on postgraduate level courses fell continuously to just over 20%, and students attending foundation courses dropped from just below 20% to about 3%. From 2005 to 2010, the percentage of students taking postgraduate courses soared from just above 20% to around 55%, while, on the other hand, the percentage for undergraduate courses plummeted from about 70% to 40%. As a result, 2010 was the only year between 1985 and 2015 when the percentage of postgraduates was higher than the percentage of undergraduates. In the final five-year period from 2010 to 2015, the proportion of postgraduate students fell sharply to approximately 30%, whereas the proportion on undergraduate courses recovered to around 55% and foundation courses reached a high of nearly 20%.



Overall, far more international students studied undergraduate courses than postgraduate or foundation courses during this period with the exception of 2010. 

As a result, 2010 was the only year between 1985 and 2015 when the percentage of postgraduates was higher than the percentage of undergraduates.


总的来说,关键信息是:以在评估标准 “更容易/更宽松”的左侧最大化你的分数为目标










Previously, we looked at 8 essentials for the speaking exam– now let’s turn to writing and task 1. There’s a lot of very basic information you probably already know, such as the type of vocabulary and structures required for each task type and the fact that you should only DESCRIBE what you see. You should not offer opinions or speculate on the reasons behind a particular trend. In this article, we’ll explore other things that are useful to be aware of. 

1. Understand what is being assessed

If you look at the public band descriptors below, you can see a clear division between Task AchievementCoherence and Cohesionin the two left columns and Lexical Resource(= vocabulary) and Grammatical Range and Accuracy on the right. The two left-hand columns are notprincipally about language skills. They are about thinking and organisation skills. The two columns on the right areabout your language competence: the knowledge and skills you have acquired through studying textbook after textbook and completing countless vocabulary and grammar building exercises! What does this mean? It means there’s really no excuse for scoring below 7 on the two left-hand criteria. To score 7 on the left side, you just need to do what the tasks instructs you to do. And do it in a logical way. It’s that simple. It is much easier to know whatyou need to write and the orderit should be written in compared to actually writing it. So, you earn marks on the left side mainly through analysis and planning (see point 2) beforeyou even write a word on your answer sheet. 


But before moving on to point 2, let’s just check what is meant by ‘coherence’ and ‘cohesion’.

Coherence is about whether or not you organise your text in a logical way. For example, when describing data in a graph, chart or table, it might be most logical to start with the most obvious features first then move onto the next most significant feature then the next etc. The structure of your answer might therefore be like a funnel. Big at the top then narrowing as you include more detail. It clearly would notmake sense to start with small details then end by describing the ‘big picture’ at the end. That would be illogical or incoherent.

The band 7 criteria for coherence says: ‘logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout’. In other words, you need to identify the main and minor features, then order them sensibly. Part of writing coherently is organising your ideas into paragraphs. So, as you probably know already, you need an introductory paragraph. The concluding paragraph is optional at band 7 and below, but you must have a concluding paragraph to score band 8 or 9 for coherence (you’ll notice that the only mention of ‘paragraphing’ is at band 9). The key point about coherence is that it is 100% independentof your language skills. It’s only about organisationof content. 

Cohesion ISabout language. It’s about the language you use to introduce things, join things together, and compare and contrast things. So, ‘yes’ it is a language skill, but actually the language you need, even to score 8 or 9 in cohesion, is sometimes really very simple. For example:

To introduce new content: ‘Regarding X’, ‘Turning to X’ or ‘As for X’

To join content together: ‘and’, ‘furthermore’, or ‘in addition’ 

To compare and contrast: ‘similarly’, ‘likewise’, ‘in contrast’, or ‘on the other hand’

Errors in such language are actually quite uncommon. Even band 5 candidates can understand and use this language quite accurately. But one gentle warning: DON’T overuse it. Some teachers say “the morecohesive language you use the better”. Candidates hear this then ‘sprinkle’ such language everywhere; even when it’s not really needed! Examiners quickly notice when candidates are trying to score more highly on cohesion by overusing cohesive language. Just to emphasises this point, if you look at the band 9 description for cohesion it says: ‘uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention’. In other words, when native speakers write cohesively, you hardly even notice how they do it.

And here’s a small tip which is particularly relevant to Chinese candidates: use more ‘demonstratives’. Demonstratives are words like ‘this’ or ‘these’. For example: ‘thistrend/increase/fall’ or ‘thesepercentages/figures/sales’. Research shows that demonstratives are underused by Chinese students because they do not occur in Mandarin. In contrast, European students use them 50% more often, and their use increases as band scores increase from 5 to 6 and from 6 to 7. Using demonstratives is a good example of how to make writing more cohesive without ‘attracting attention’ and with a very low chance of making an error. See the example text in point 6 below for some examples of demonstratives ‘in action’.

2. Planning is key

The temptation is so strong! You only have 20 minutes, a quick look at the task and then it’s a race to write as much as you can before your time runs out. And you can feel others in the exam room have already started writing before you – ‘Oh No! They’re ahead already!

The following advice may seem counterintuitive but do consider it. Although 20 minutes is not long, it islong enough to give you 3, 4 or even 5 minutes to think about the task and plan properly. In point 1 above, we said that 50% of your marks will be earned notbecause of your grammar or vocabulary, but because of the quality of your analysis and organisation. You will earn thesemarks in the time you take to think and plan. 

If you don’t plan you could lose crucial marks on task achievement, and coherence and cohesion. And these are the easy marks to earn. Of course, you need to practice this skill. When you do past papers, allow yourself this planning time and make very brief notes on the points you will cover before you write. When you get into the habit of doing this, you’ll notice that you cando it, and that you write a better organised text. The key is knowing WHAT you’re going to write BEFORE you start writing. But perhaps you’re thinking: ‘If I spend time planning, will I have enough time to finish?’ If you ask even an IELTS band 5 writer to write 200 words on a familiar topic like ‘their hobbies’ or ‘their hometown’, they could probably do so easily in just 10 minutes. When you know what you’re going to write before you start, it’s much easier. If you start writing, then stop, then think, then keep stopping and thinking about what each next line should be, it will take longer and coherence is more likely to be poorer. 

3. Write 190 words!

Here’s some published data from IELTS on word counts for actual Chinese candidates in Task 1.

So, if you write much below 190 words, it’s not typical to score a 6 or 7. The 150 word minimum word count should NOT be your target. In order to display a wide range or vocabulary and grammar, you need to be writing up to 200 words. Actually, Spanish candidates write around 220 words on average when scoring a band 5 answer and 240 words for a band 7 answer! But don’t worry! This just difference highlights the balance between qualityand quantity. It’s not only about the length, it’s also about the quality. Compared to Spanish candidates, Chinese candidates’ writing typically has a much greater density of high-level vocabulary. This means that they can score as high as their Spanish counterparts while writing a little less. If you’re an IELTS teacher and you’re interested, here’s the research: click

4. Imagine the reader cannot seethe task 

Sometimes candidates run out of ideas and think ‘What else can I write! I’ve written everything!’ This is usually not the case. Usually, they have ignored obvious features of the chart or diagram. The key is to imagine that you reader cannotsee what you see. Imagine you were describing the chart or diagram to a blind person – you would be much more careful in describing the main and obvious features. If you think this way, you will have more to write about and be able to display a wider variety of grammar and vocabulary. Look at the example below:

The diagram shows how hydroelectricity is generated by hydropower, or the ‘power of water’. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

The diagram describes the process by which electricity is generated by harnessing the power of water, as well as how this electricity is distributed to where it is needed. 

A dam is located between two areas of water at different levels. The higher level of water is the reservoir.The process of generating electricity begins when reservoir water flows through an intake in the dam wall. This flow of water is controlled by a control gate. When the gate is open, water naturally flows downwardsfrom the reservoir through the penstock towards a turbine. The turbine is located in the powerhouse under the generator and transformer.The power of this water causes the turbine to spin and electricity in produced by the generator. After passing the turbine, the water continues to flow downwards and thenpasses from the outflow into the lower area of water. The electricity generated then passes through the transformer and is distributed to residential areas over large distances via powerlines high above the ground, where it is used for streetlighting and other purposes. 

Overall, the electricity generated in this process is produced in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner.(192)

The areas highlighted could be cut out completely and the text would still make perfect sense. But the blue areas actually add 69 words. And all these words provide useful extra information for the reader. So, imagine the reader can’t see the information you can, and include such content – even if it seems too obvious to you. Otherwise, it might be difficult to reach 190-200 words! 

5. Categorising is essential

By grouping and labelling similar items together, it is easier to identify ‘big picture’ trends and avoid the need to describe individual items one by one. For example, look at the graph below:

The graph above gives information on the number of hours per day children spent using different types of media for the years 2006 and 2016. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Here’s the introduction an answer:

The bar chart shows how much time children spent a day on various kinds of media in 2006 and 2016. Overall, there was a trend away from traditional mediasuch as TV, music, books and magazines and a growth in the use of newer media, notably phones and computers.

The categories ‘traditional media’ and ‘new media’ were notgiven to you. You had to create them yourself. Categories like these are useful because they allow you to ‘paint with broad brushstrokes’. Remember, writing is just ‘thinking on paper’! You need good thinking to produce good writing! So, make sure you allow yourself proper time to analyse the task and always look for ways to group similar items logically. 

6. Use data

You’re expected to include data (dates, numbers, percentages etc.) in your answer, if you don’t include the key data, you won’t score more than 5 for task achievement – even if you are a native writer. But you shouldn’t write long lists describing allthe date in a graph or table. If you do this, you will end up with a very repetitive text. So, instead, try to limit yourself to including the main figures and remember that you can also describe trends with words: the text below highlighted. 

Between 2006 and 2016, the use of different types of media changed significantly, with the exception of video games. In 2006, watching TV was the most popular activity at 2.5 hours a day, whereas only 0.1 hours were spent using social media and phones. From 2006 to 2016, the use of phones and social media rose significantly and replaced TV as the number one media activity at 2.5 hours per day. During this same period, time spent watching TV fell considerably and became one of the least favourite types of media. Other traditional media, such as listening to music and reading also became far less popular. By 2016, children spent 50% less time using these media at 0.6 hours and 0.3 hours per day respectively. This contrasts with time spent using computers, which nearly doubled from 0.6 to 1.1 hours per day between 2006 and 2016

7. Make comparisons

If a task is a graph or table of data, there is always the instruction to ‘make comparisons where relevant’. You are encouraged to do this because, if you do it well, you will display a wider range of vocabulary and grammar. When you ‘make comparisons’ you should identify patterns which are similar and patterns which are different. Look at all the comparing language highlighted in blue in the response below. 

The chart shows the % of international students taking undergraduate, postgraduate and foundation courses in the UK between 1985 and 2015.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where necessary

The line graph illustrates the proportion of overseas students on UK postgraduate, undergraduate and foundation courses from 1985 to 2015. Overall, far moreinternational students studied undergraduate courses than postgraduate or foundation courses during this period with the exception of 2010. In 1985, the proportion of international students taking undergraduate and postgraduate courses was broadly similarat around 40%. This contrasted tojust less than 15% of students taking foundation courses. From 1985 to 2000, the proportion of undergraduate level students rose steadily to peak at approximately 75%. During the same period, the percentage of students on postgraduate level courses fell continuously to just over 20%, and students attending foundation courses dropped from just below 20% to about 3%. From 2005 to 2010, the percentage of students taking postgraduate courses soared from just above 20% to around 55%, while, on the other hand, the percentage for undergraduate courses plummeted from about 70% to 40%. As a result, 2010 was the only year between 1985 and 2015 when the percentage of postgraduates was higher than the percentage of undergraduates. In the final five-year period from 2010 to 2015, the proportion of postgraduate students fell sharply to approximately 30%, whereas the proportion on undergraduate courses recovered to around 55% and foundation courses reached a high of nearly 20%.

8. Identify the outlier!

We have already mentioned that it is not necessary to include mention of all the data but dolook out for any exceptions to patterns; thing which stand out. There is usually an outlier in every IELTS task – something which doesn’t fit the general trends or patterns. The tasks are designed to include these ‘exceptions’. Look at the text highlighted below:

Overall, far more international students studied undergraduate courses than postgraduate or foundation courses during this period with the exception of 2010. 

As a result, 2010 was the only year between 1985 and 2015 when the percentage of postgraduates was higher than the percentage of undergraduates.

That’s all! Overall, the key message is: aim to maximize your score on the ‘easier/softer’ left side of the assessment criteria. A candidate with band 7 grammar and vocabulary can mess up with poor analysis and organisation and only score a 6 overall. On the other hand, a candidate with level 6 language can score 6.5 overall with greater attention to planning and organisation. So, think and plan before you rush to write!

In addition:

don’t forget to state the obvious; imagine your reader can’t see what you see 

look for smart ways to group items together

use data, avoid lists of repetitive structures, and compare and contrast wherever possible

And, practice, practice, practice! The key is to train yourself to write 200 words in just 15 minutes

本文由 Dr. James McCloskey撰写原文,由InVisor新媒体小编VC翻译。




    本文标题:雅思考官分享:提高雅思写作Task1分数的8个方法 | InVi
