

作者: Tyger老师 | 来源:发表于2018-12-08 11:35 被阅读240次


演讲主题“没有付出就没有收获No pain,No gain”


   Hello everyone,my name is Yuri.I am very glad to stand here to give you a short speech.Today the tittle of my speech is "no pain no gain"

   As we all know that you will get nothing unless you have paid something.The only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard.

   When I was young , mom has told me the story about Edison how to invent light bulb.And without pains-taking efforts and hard training,famous athletes could not have brought their world championships .We have heard about numerous success stories,and it is totally right,no pain no gain.

   I still remember the first day to go to school,full of curiosity. I don't know what will happen in the future. Now I realize that I have lots of knowledge to learn,and no pain no gain,I 'm ready .

   Thank you .





 Hello everyone,my name is Yuri.I am very glad to stand here to deliver you a short speech. My topic is "no pain no gain"

   As we all know, we can get nothing if we paid nothing. If we wanna something, we have to pay something. It is something value from my experience.

   When I was young , mom told me the story about Edison. Edison invented light bulb, we all know that. But can you imagine how many times had Edison tried before he succeeded. I tried to know it, so I mark a number on my calender, 1, 2, 3, one number for one day, just write a number. Easy enough, right? I took me more than 2 years just to mark a number. No pain no gain.

   I still remember the first day to go to school, full of curiosity. I don't know what will happen in the future. But I know the rule of “No pain, no gain”, I really have to work hard to get what I want. Take my English for example, I work hard to listen, I work hard to speak, therefore, I can deliver a speech here confidently.

  I’ve about numerous success stories, and all the stories tell the the rule again and again “no pain no gain.” 

  “No pain no gain” is my life belief, and I hope you will like it too.

Thank you. 


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