橙子的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 1

橙子的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 1

作者: 橙子_b8d6 | 来源:发表于2022-04-19 09:16 被阅读0次

练习材料:[Day 2757 2022-04-13]

L42-2: Modern cavemen

Thedeepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble. It extendsto a depth of 3,723 feet. This immense chasm has been formed by an undergroundstream which has tunneled a course through a flaw in the rocks. The entrance tothe cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps. As it is only six feet across,it is barely noticeable. The cave might never have been discovered had not the entrancebeen spotted by the distinguished French pot-holer, Berger. Since itsdiscovery, it has become a sort of pot-holers' Everest. Though a number ofdescents have been made, much of it still remains to be explored. A team ofpot-holers recently went down the Gouffre Berger. After entering the narrow gapon the plateau, they climbed down the steepsides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor.They had to edge their wayalong this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools. Suddenly they came to a waterfallwhich dropped into an underground lake at the bottom of the cave.





    本文标题:橙子的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 1
