赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 045 What a

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 045 What a

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-06-12 06:40 被阅读0次
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    I. Reading 阅读

    Jeff had a terrible day. He missed the train to work. Moreover, he had to wait a long time for the next train. As a matter of fact, he waited for two hours. To make matters worse, he left his briefcase on the train. As a result, he had to go to the police station. Poor Jeff never got to work that day. What a nightmare!


    II. Vocabulary&Idioms 单词短语注解

    1. terrible ['tɛrəbl] a. 糟糕的,可怕的
      例: That was a terrible movie.
    2. miss [mɪs] vt. 错过
      例: Why did you miss the meeting today?
    3. moreover [mɔr'ovɚ] adv. 此外,尤有甚者
      例: Mike is very kind. Moreover, he is honest.
    4. wait [wet] vi. 等候
      wait for + 人或事物 等候某人或某事物
      例: I am still waiting for my girlfriend to write to me.
    5. as a matter of fact 事实上(使用时置于句首,之后置逗号)
      =in fact
      例: That car is not cheap. As a matter of fact, it's very expensive.
    6. to make matters worse,... 更糟的是,......
      worse [wɜrs] a. 更坏的(bad的比较级)
      例: It was raining. To make matters worse, I forgot to bring my umbrella.
    7. left [lɛft] vt.将······留在······(leave的过去式)
      例: I left my umbrella on the bus.
    8. briefcase ['brifkes] n.手提箱,公事皮包
    9. police station [pə'lis ˈsteɪʃən] n. 警察局
    10. nightmare ['naɪt'mɛr] n.恶梦(本文中指"可怕的经验")
      例: City traffic is a real nightmare.

    III. Grammar Points 语法重点


    1. He missed the train to work.
      本句中的to work是介词短语,作形容词用,修饰之前的名词the train。to是介词,表示"通往"之意。work则为名词,作to之宾语,原指"工作",此处笼统指"上班"之意。其他有关work的常用短语尚有:
      a. go to work 上班
      例: He goes to work at 8:00 a.m. every morning.
      b. after work 下班后
      例: What do you usually do after work?
    2. To make matters worse, he left his briefcase on the train.
      to make matters worse为不定式短语。这种短语由to之后接动词原形所成,此处的to是虚词,而非介词。这种不定式短语通常置于自首,之后置逗号,有副词的功能,修饰全句。类似的短语尚有
      to tell (you) the truth 老实(对你)说
      to be frank (with you) 坦白(跟你)说
      例:A: Did you like the movie?
      B: To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of it.
      A: Do you like Picasso's paintings?
      B: To be frank, I don't know who Picasso is.
    3. What a nightmare!
      = What a nightmare it was!
      a. 以how引导的感叹句
    1. 陈述句有形容词,之后又无名词时,该形容词移至how之后即告完成。
      陈述句:He is nice(a.).
      感叹句:How nice he is!
    2. 陈述句有副词时,该副词移至how之后即告完成。
      陈述句 : He worked hard.
      感叹句 : How hard he worked!
    3. how亦可修饰陈述句中的动词,此时将how置于原陈述句句首即告完成。
      陈述句:I love that picture.
      感叹句: How I love that picture!
      b. 以what引导的感叹句
      陈述句:It was a nightmare(n.).
      感叹句: What a nightmare it was!
      陈述句: They are nice(a.) boys(n.).
      感叹句:How nice boys they are! ( X )
      What nice boys they are! ( O )
      陈述句:He did a stupid thing.
      感叹句: What a stupid thing he did!
    4. what引导的感叹句中,what之后接名词,再接“主语+be动词”时,主语及be动词可省略。
      例: What a nightmare it(主语) was(be动词)!
      →What a nightmare!
      What a nice boys they(主语) are(be动词)!
      →What nice boys!

    IV. Subsitution 替换

    1. He had to wait a long time, as a matter of fact, he waited for two hours.
      We had to work a long time. As a matter of fact, we worked all night.
      I had to study a long time. As a matter of fact, I studied all day.
    2. What a nightmare!
      What a terrible day that was!
      What a noisy child she is!
      What a stupid thing to say!


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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 045 What a
