
作者: 星栢的早起奇迹 | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 18:55 被阅读16次


I have one more goal now.

Sleiden 'sales amount become 10million

I have make my plan. And I have to do is to

Finishe it step by step.

I'm glad I taked this challenge.


I have to separate myself to deal with two companie's  Transaction.

It's a very difficult.

And my assistant  That's my own company didn't do very well in his part

So I have more things to deal with.


the new website

the big client which is asking for open account

I mean go to hui zhou to meet Mr.Yamamoto

discussed about the detail of the new project order.


Very good opportunity.

i feeled been trusted

My daughters love playing piano


苏 壮 而立,


Spent the whole weekend in nansha garden hotel.

feel happy and relax

I try do the dd driver on way to work, but I think it's a waste of time.

The money doesn't cover my time.


i use the methods of Mr. Lyubishev

to time my each minutes ,is a very good experience but need huge self control energy

Lessons learned

I should spend more time in shuntai. So many things go wrong.

Miss chen made me a lot of question.


The weather is a little bit rain, but it feels good.

The typhoon is coming. So it's windy.


The accumulation of infomation and detail of new product get ready for the fair

I read english book  And do exercise every day.


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