

作者: Louie王磊 | 来源:发表于2016-04-02 09:52 被阅读191次

Dear Valve Services:

I’m writing this letter to complain about the game 游戏名 and demand a full refund.

I bought the game on 购买日期, looking forward to getting a surprise. After buying this game, however, I found it awful to play---Maybe it’s not my type, maybe I am too fastidious, but I really dislike it from the bottom of my heart! It is a non-entertaining game for me that I can’t enjoy it at all! I saved 购买金额, only to find it’s a waste of money and time! Talking about time, I unexpectedly played it for about 游戏时长 and it really disappointed me a lot!

I hope I can get my money back and use it into some more meaningful things like charity. I’m sorry to trouble you, but I’m writing the letter sincerely for my refund.

At last, I would be appreciate if you can return my deal and my money to my steam wallet!

That’s all I want to say, Thank you!

Steam ID:你的ID

Date: 申请日期


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