留学荷兰如何申请居留许可?A Resident Permit f

留学荷兰如何申请居留许可?A Resident Permit f

作者: 87bd513b0d6d | 来源:发表于2019-02-14 11:33 被阅读12次

    飞出国: 如果想要到荷兰读书,不论是读中学、职业院校还是大学,申请人都需要申请一个居留许可。那么申请这类居留许可需要哪些条件、流程是怎样的?





    1. 对申请人来说,荷兰是最佳留学目标国,即申请人在自己所居住的国家无法接受到类似的教育。除此之外,申请人还需要符合以下条件的2种:
      • 申请人为苏里南、印度尼西亚、南非国籍;
      • 申请人为荷兰居留身份或荷兰国籍持有人的亲属;
      • 申请人具备荷兰语的听说读写能力。
    2. 在荷兰所受的教育能够对申请人的祖国发展带来积极影响,具体体现为:
      • 申请人不得来自于高度工业化的国家;
      • 申请人所学课程需符合祖国的劳动力市场的核心需求。
    3. 申请人须具备在中学或职业学校的全日制录取证明,且学校经移民局认证;
    4. 申请人拥有充足的收入来源。

    Attend secondary or vocational education


    There are certain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition, you and your educational institution have to meet the following conditions:

    • The Netherlands is the most appropriate country for your education. You will not get a residence permit if the education or a similar education is also available in your country of origin or your country of continuous residence. In addition, you have to at least meet 2 of the following conditions:
      • You are from and have the nationality of Suriname, Indonesia or South Africa.
      • You have family ties with persons living in the Netherlands who have a residence permit or who have Dutch nationality.
      • You can read, speak, write and understand Dutch.
    • Your education can make a positive contribution to the development of your country. This depends, among other things, on:
      • The development stage your country is in. Are you from a highly industrialised country? Than the study will usually not meet this requirement.
      • The kind of study. The study must have essential meaning for the labour market in your country.
    • You must have a (provisional) proof of registration at an educational institution for secondary or vocational education for a full-time course (not a correspondence course). This educational institution is a recognised sponsor with the IND. Recognised educational institutions are listed in the Public Register of Recognised Sponsors.
    • You have an independent sufficient and sustainable income.

    Other conditions may apply for Turkish nationals and their family members.



    1. 申请人已被荷兰大学或应用科学型大学录取为全日制学生,且录取申请人的大学须经移民局认证;
    2. 申请人拥有充足的收入来源;
    3. 申请人每学年需拿到至少50%的学分;
    4. 如申请人需要就读英语授课的课程,则需要满足以下语言要求:
      • 直接入读:雅思6.0分
      • 入读12个月的预备课程:雅思5.0分
      • 入读6个月的预备课程:雅思5.5分

    Study at university or university of applied sciences


    There are certain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition, you and your educational institution have to meet the following conditions (these procedure and conditions also apply to exchange students):

    • You have (provisionally) been accepted by a university or university of applied sciences as a student to a full-time accredited day programme. This university or university of applied sciences is a recognised sponsor. Recognised educational institutions are listed in the [Public Register of Recognised Sponsors]> (https://ind.nl/en/Pages/public-register-recognised-sponsors.aspx).
    • You have an independent sufficient and sustainable income.
    • You obtain at least 50% of the required credits for each academic year. This is called study progress monitoring.
    • Your educational institution determines the conditions of your education. Are you going to follow an education taught in the English language? You must pass or have passed the following IELTS score:
      • You instantly start your main education: IELTS 6.0
      • You follow a preparatory period of a maximum period of 12 months: IELTS 5.0
      • You follow a preparatory period of a maximum period of 6 months: IELTS 5.5
        In addition to IELTS, there are other accepted language tests: TOEFL, TOEIC and Cambridge English grades & scale. Please contact your educational institution for more information.

    Other conditions may apply for Turkish nationals and their family members.


    1. 申请人通过学校递交MVV签证及居留许可的申请,并支付费用;
    2. 学校收到确认信,移民局对申请进行审理,60天内通知结果;
    3. 学校收到审理结果,满足条件的申请人可获得MVV及居留许可;
    4. 申请人于3个月内领取MVV签证(有效期90天);
    5. 持MVV签证登陆荷兰;
    6. 在线预约领取时间并领取居留许可(有效期比读书时间长3个月,毕业后可申请1年的求职年签证用于找工作);
    7. 抵达荷兰后注册RPR生物信息;
    8. 领取居留许可后3个月内进行肺结核体检。

    Steps in the application procedure

    1. Submit application and payment
      ​2. Receipt and check application
      ​3. Decision
    2. Collect mvv
    3. Travel to the Netherlands
    4. Collect your residence permit
    5. Registration with the municipality
    6. TB test
    7. Take out health insurance
    8. Validity residence permit



    • 目前持有有效的居留许可;
    • 希望以目前的居留目的为由续签居留许可;
    • 在荷兰居住生活学习;
    • 在荷兰的生活状态为发生改变,如学业没有结束、没有与随行的配偶离婚等。

    Permit extension

    Do you have a residence permit for which a recognised sponsor is required, such as study or highly skilled migrant? The recognised sponsor (your employer or educational institution for instance) will have to submit the application for the extension of your residence permit. You cannot do this yourself.


    The IND will check whether you still meet the conditions associated with your residence permit. There arecertain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition:

    • You currently have a valid Dutch residence permit.
    • You wish to extend this residence permit with the purpose of stay you now have.
    • You have your main residence in the Netherlands.
    • Your situation has not changed. These are changes that could be of influence on your right to stay.

    For example:

    • You have a residence permit to stay with your spouse and you are now divorced. This means you no longer meet the conditions of your residence permit. You cannot extend your residence permit.
    • You have a residence permit for work in paid employment, however, you no longer have any work.

    If your situation has changed, you cannot extend your residence permit.


    飞出国: 留学荷兰所赋予的居留许可不能够直接申请荷兰永居和国籍,但是有一年的找工作机会,如果找到能够给予符合移民局规定的薪资标准的工作并申请相应工签,持续工作5年后即可申请永居、移民。



        本文标题:留学荷兰如何申请居留许可?A Resident Permit f
