I'm happy to receive the book from jianshu.

it was written by Han Yunpeng.his written name is "han da ye de za huo dian".

when people asked me:"who are you ?what do you do?"
I usually answered :"I'm a person,I am a person who write some things."
of course,I may not started writing while I was borned,I wrote something recently.
so what was I doing before?
I could say,I was reading,thinking,watching,listening and
going through something.

the sun is in the sky,this book is only like
a mirror,it's light can shine on your affection,love,friendship,shine on your life ,work, thoughts,shine on your survival fields,affective domain,philosophy fields and aesthetic domain.
but I really hope you can come to the mirror quietly,find yourself,know your own thoughts,know the relationship between you and yourself,between you and the world,at last,you can harvest a little strength of life.