我告诉自己寻求Peaceful solution?不要激动,不要吵,要回护照!
因为各种负面念头,关于J,都是不应该,不管如何都是很好的体验,接受和move on!
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等待过程中,开始写business case,烦了就开始听janice jolin的歌,她的歌绝对有负面影响,非常放肆绝对纵欲和绝望,生无可恋,自暴自弃,同性恋和异性恋,27岁的她看起来很苍老,但歌声打动人心,悲痛的绝望感。
正绝望呢,几次问啥情况,都说等high commsion回复,我看到快递车来了,很多人拿到护照,各种激动,我一看没我的事啊,结果所有人都平息了,叫我,11.30亲吻我的护照,天啊,原来它如此重要!总是lucky by the end,我屁颠屁颠出来,tuktuk去water temple,看鲸鱼船上女学生推荐的,结果休整,就和司机谈好去mount lavinia beach,我的意图是离机场近,colombo远,这个城市让我生无可恋,去了行李一路堵车,到了想去的酒店说客满(也许,也许是看我是中国面孔,anyhow对面regent便宜房子大,竟然按时间收费,negociate之后是2000过夜,额外时间收费1000rp),我马上出发去了beach,看起来还不很agreesive,毕竟有人敢游泳,我需要海水浸泡洗刷我所有stress,担心护照拿不到stuck这里的一系列问题,现在可以专心想GOA啦。
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Janice arising lyrics:
In this world, if you read the papers, darling
You know everybody's fighting ah with each other
You got no one you can count on babe
Not even your own brother
So if someone comes along
He gonna give you some love and affection
I'd say get it while you can, yeah
Honey, get it while you can, yeah
Hey hey, get it while you can
Don't you turn your back on love, no, no
Don't you know when you're loving anybody, baby
You're taking a gamble on a little sorrow
But then who cares, baby
'Cause we may not be here tomorrow, no
And if anybody should come along
He gonna give you any love and affection
I'd say get it while you can, yeah
Hey, hey, get it while you can
Hey, hey, get it while you can
Don't you turn your back on love
No no no, no no no no no
Oh, get it while you can, yeh
Honey get it when you're gonna wanna need it dear, yeah yeah
Hey hey, get it while you can
Don't you turn your back on love
No no no, no no no no, get it while you can
I said hold on to somebody when you get a little lonely, dear
Hey hey, hold on to that man's heart
Hey hey, get it, want it, hold it, need it
Get it, want it, need it, hold it
Get it while you can, yeah
这样的歌曲让人脆弱,compromise,接受shit,终于end up like her!但是幻惑人心,需要坚持,不要退步。
为啥我post sri lanka photo,显示我的快乐吗,多么不合时宜,when all chinese are so suffering and I am so free and happy??? why can not everyone do something about our life, like Liang who can afford to leave and change, why she does not? When I can change, while I think I can afford.
Sugar beach ice-cream insane delicious and sunset is crazy beautiful, all worthwhile and all works out perfectly, tks for all, god, isvara, myself.