

作者: Hiper | 来源:发表于2019-11-06 14:37 被阅读0次

    Based on what is known, scientists have drawn up a list of the three most likely ultimate fates.

    1. Fate 1: heat death
    2. Fate 2: the big rip
    3. Fate 3: big collapse & big bounce

    Fate 1: heat death(命运一:热寂)

    Despite the "hot" in the name, the ending is actually dark and cold.
    It is based on the second law of thermodynamics: the law of entropy. Entropy is the amount of chaos in a system. Isolated systems tend to go from order to chaos until they reach their most chaotic equilibrium.
    Entropy increase is actually pretty easy to understand. Like a glass of water, let's put some red ink in it. At first, the entropy of this cup of liquid is a little bit smaller, a little bit more ordered, because some of it is red, some of it is transparent; Then, the red ink will spread out automatically until the whole cup of liquid becomes uniform, which is the process of entropy increase.
    As is the universe. Although the universe is now have various celestial bodies such as stars, planets, and comets. But after a long time, as the universe expands, the celestial bodies will move away from each other, and the stars will gradually run out of fuel and stop glowing. In the following darkness, matter will slowly decay. In the end, even the seemingly indestructible black hole will evaporate and disappear. The temperature of the entire universe is close to 0 K,there is no longer any available energy or heat, and there is no longer any mechanical movement. The universe is immersed in eternal death.

    Fate 2: the big rip(命运二:大撕裂)

    First of all, let's imagine that if we throw a ball into the sky, during the rise of the ball, due to the gravity of the earth, it will surely slow down slowly and eventually fall back to the ground.
    For a long time, the scientific community believed that the expansion of the universe followed the same principle -- that the expansion of the universe must be slower and slower because of the gravitational action between celestial bodies.
    But in 1998, scientists were surprised to discover that instead of slowing down, the universe was accelerating. This means that in addition to the gravitational pull that pulls them back, there must be some repulsive force driving them away from each other. Scientists have named the source of this mysterious repulsive force "dark energy."
    According to mathematical models, dark energy could eventually defeat all other forces and accelerate the expansion of the universe indefinitely until a "big rip" occurs in 22 billion years.
    First the collapse of the galaxy, then the collapse of the planetary system, followed by the explosion of stars and planets, and finally the collapse of atoms and nuclei in an instant. Thus the universe came to an end in an accelerating frenzy.

    Fate 3: big collapse & big bounce(命运三:大坍缩&大反弹)

    If gravity wins the battle between gravity and repulsive forces, the expansion of the universe could slow down until it stops, and then start shrinking back, like the big bang upside down. This condition is known as "big collapse."
    And when the universe shrinks back to a singularity, there may be a new big bang. Our universe may have been in this perpetual cycle. This cyclical hypothesis is known as the "great bounce".



          本文标题:THE END OF UNIVERSE(宇宙终结命运)
