Real World English Conversations

Real World English Conversations

作者: 心怡在紐村 | 来源:发表于2020-09-03 17:31 被阅读0次

    A: Hi Kim.

    B: Hey Shawn, good to see you again.

    A: How have you been?

    B: OK, I didn't sleep much last night though. I stayed up until 2am studying for an exam.

    A: I was up late last night too. The semester is almost over. I've had exams all week.

    B: Are you going back to California after you graduate?

    A: I think so. After I graduate I'll probably go back home and try to get a job.

    B: Do you know where you'd like to work?

    A: Not yet, but I want to be an English translator.

    B: That'd be really cool. I'd like to be a translator too, but I don't think my English is good enough.

    A: Don't worry about that. Your English is better than most of my classmates.

    B: Thanks. Where are you going now?

    A: I'm going to study at the library. I have to take an exam tomorrow.

    B: Me too. How late does the library stay open?

    A: I think it's open until 11:30.

    B: OK, Good luck.

    A: You too.



          本文标题:Real World English Conversations
