[0x0A] Making Life Multi-planeta

[0x0A] Making Life Multi-planeta

作者: R0b1n_L33 | 来源:发表于2018-04-24 22:56 被阅读3次

    Paying for BFR | BFR 资金链

    Getting back to the question of "How do we pay for this system?" This was really quite a profound —— I would not call it a breakthrough but a realization —— that if we can build a system that cannibalizes our own products, makes our own products redundant then all of the resources, which are quite enormous, that are used for Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon, can be applied to one system.

    回到开始的问题:造BFR要花的钱从哪儿来?这会是个意义深远的 —— 我不会称之为突破性进展(breakthrough)而更喜欢形容为实现了一个小目标 (realization)—— 如果我们可以通过拆用(cannibalize)自己的产品来打造一个新系统,使我们的产品冗余化(redundant),那么所有用于制造猎鹰9、重型猎鹰和龙飞船的数量庞大的(enormous)材料将可以统一用于同一套体系中。

    Some of our customers are conservative and they want to see BFR fly several times before they are comfortable launching on it, so what we plan to do is to build ahead and have a stock of Falcon 9 and Dragon vehicles so that customers can be comfortable. If they want to use the old rocket or spacecraft, they can do that because we will have a bunch in stock but all of our resources will then turn towards building BFR; we believe that we can do this with the revenue we receive for launching satellites and for servicing the space station.

    我们的一些客户是很保守的,他们希望看到BFR有几次成功发射的经历之后再考虑使用它(be comfortable launching on it)。所以我们的计划是先行一步,囤积一批猎鹰9和龙飞船,这样顾客们才会心满意足。如果他们想要使用旧的火箭或飞船,我们马上就可以交付因为我们有一堆库存(have a bunch in stock)。但是很快我们的库存资源都要用来(turn towards)造BFR了;我相信发射卫星以及服务国际空间站所得利润足够用作生产BFR的成本了。

    Satellites | 放卫星

    The size of this being a nine meter diameter vehicle is a huge enabler for new satellites. We can actually send something that is almost nine meters in diameter to orbit. For example, if you want to do a new Hubble, you could send a mirror that has 10 times the surface area of the current Hubble, as a single unit that does not have to unfold. You could send a large number of small satellites. You can actually go around and, if you wanted to, collect old satellites or clean up space debris-that may be something we have to do in the future. The fairing would open up, retract and then come back down, enabling launching of Earth satellites that are significantly larger than anything we have done before or significantly more satellites at a time than anything that has been done before.

    直径9米的BFR完全足以容纳新型卫星。我们可以把即使直径已经达到9米的庞然大物送上轨道。例如,如果你想要布置一个新的哈勃太空望远镜,可以发射一个是原来表面积10倍的新哈勃上去,不需要展开(unfold),这样就可以作为一个整体进行发射。你也可以选择发射一大堆小卫星。甚至你可以尝试收集旧卫星或者清理太空垃圾(space debris)—— 这可能会是我们未来要做的事。这时整流罩会打开,回收(retract)卫星然后带回到地球。BFR使得我们可以发射比以前任何时候都要大的地球卫星,或者一次发射比以前任何时候都要多的卫星。

    International Space Station | 国际空间站

    It is also intended to be able to service the space station. I know it looks a little big relative to the space station but the Shuttle also looked big —— so it will work. It will be capable of doing what Dragon does today in terms of transporting cargo and what Dragon 2 will do in terms of transporting crew and cargo. It can also go out to much further than that, like for example, the Moon.

    BFR也将(be intended to)服务国际空间站。我知道,这个国际空间站看起来有点大了,但是飞船(Shuttle)也很大 —— 所以没问题的(it will work)。BFR如今已经可以完成龙1做的事儿了,比如货运;也可以搞定龙2的活儿了,比如客运和货运。其实它还可以去得更远,比如月球。

    Moon Missions | 登月任务

    Based on our calculations, we can actually do lunar surface missions with no propellant production on the surface of the moon If we do a high elliptic parking orbit for the ship and retank in high elliptic orbit, we can go all the way to the moon and back with no local propellant production on the Moon. I think that would enable the creation of Moon Base Alpha or some sort of lunar base. It is 2017. We should have a lunar base by now.

    经过精密计算,我们真的可以执行登月任务,即使月面并没有可以获取推进剂的物质。我们只要让BFR走一条高椭圆停泊轨道(high elliptic parking orbit)并做一次在轨补给,就能在月面没有燃料补给(propellant production)的情况下完成登月任务并返航。这将使得建造月球阿尔法基地或者其他类型的月球基地成为可能。现在是2017年,我们也该有个月球基地了。



          本文标题:[0x0A] Making Life Multi-planeta
