[0x03] Making Life Multi-planeta

[0x03] Making Life Multi-planeta

作者: R0b1n_L33 | 来源:发表于2018-04-23 17:49 被阅读7次

    Propulsive Landing | 推进着陆系统

    The next key element is propulsive landing. In order to land on a place like the Moon where there is no atmosphere and certainly no runways, or to land on Mars where the atmosphere is too thin to land with wings even if there were runways, you really have to get propulsive landing perfect.


    Propulsive landing is what we have been practicing with falcon 9. As of the time of this presentation, SpaceX has had 16 successful Landings and that is really without any redundancy. Falcon 9s final Landing is always done with a single engine whereas with BFR, we will always have multi-engine out capability. You want minimum pucker factor on landing-you need to be able to essentially count on the landing. If you can get to a very high reliability with even a single engine, and then you can land with either of two engines, think we can get to a landing reliability that is on par with the safest commercial airliners.

    我们在猎鹰9上试验过推进着陆系统。截至目前为止(as of),SpaceX已经成功完成了16次干净利落的(without redundency)着陆。猎鹰9的着陆总是由单个引擎完成,而BFR将一直使用多引擎。如果你想要把着陆风险降到最低(minimum pucker factor),那么你就必须准备一套靠谱的着陆系统。如果你的单引擎着陆已经非常靠谱,那么你就可以使用两个引擎中的任何一个来降落。想象一下我们可以和最安全的商业班机(commercial airliners)媲美(on par with)的着陆可靠性吧。

    Falcon 9 can also land with very high precision. In fact, we believe the precision at this point is good enough that we will not need legs for the next version. It will literally land with so much precision that it will land back on its launch mounts.

    猎鹰9也可以显著提升着陆精度。事实上,我们相信目前的精度已经足够高,我们并不需要更进一步(need legs for the next version)。毫不夸张地说(literally),凭借现在的精度,它完全可以准确地降落回发射架上(land back on its launch mounts)。



          本文标题:[0x03] Making Life Multi-planeta
