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- 均摊成本的图像
1.5.17 随机链接。设计 UF 的一个用例 ErdosRenyi,从命令行接受一个整数 N,在 0 到 N-1 之间产生随机整数对,调用 connected() 判断它们是否相连,如果不是则调用 union() 方法(和我们的开发用例一样)。不断循环直到所有触点均相互连通并打印出生成的连接总数。将你的程序打包成一个接受参数 N 并返回连接总数的静态方法 count(),添加一个 main() 方法从命令行接受 N,调用 count() 并打印它的返回值。
1.5.17 Random connections. Develop a UF client ErdosRenyi that takes an integer value N from the command line, generates random pairs of integers between 0 and N-1, calling connected() to determine if they are connected and then union() if not (as in our development client), looping until all sites are connected, and printing the number of connections generated. Package your program as a static method count() that takes N as argument and returns the number of connections and a main() that takes N from the command line, calls count(), and prints the returned value.