《木兰花慢   赠友人》

《木兰花慢   赠友人》

作者: 莫黎书 | 来源:发表于2017-12-17 13:49 被阅读30次

    忆八月杭州,柳絮前,钓台边。待到近黄昏,夕阳无限,秋色缠绵。祥云入平生事,怎堪他、于社稷江山。沉思几度辗转,时光空里流烟。          巽枫,未伤心秦汉。琵琶曲梦幻。不曾知飞雪,荷塘雨点,锦绣诗篇。莫春晚景长安,五更散、俯仰大地间。纵有何日相见?只是一语嫣然。


    The magnolia is slow Give a friend

    Have August, hangzhou catkin, DiaoTai edge. Until near dusk, the setting sun is infinite, autumn lingering. Xiangyun things in life, how like him, and in the country. Meditate a few degrees, and the time flow of smoke in the air.    Xun maple, not sad qin and han dynasties. Lute music dream. Never know snow, rain lotus pond, splendid poem. MoChun outlook for changan, even, pitch between the earth. When will there to meet? Just a smile.

    From spring Ding You ink catalpa hin mu hand in the morning



        本文标题:《木兰花慢   赠友人》
