这个事件让我反复思考寒门子弟的求学就真的是如此艰辛?或许,在中国的大环境下,现实就是如此的残酷。生活中,我们虽然总是经历挫败,但却向着希望而活着。就像电影 Homeless to Harward的主人公Liz。
Based on a true story. Liz Muarry is a young girl who is taken care of by her loving but drug-addicted parents. At 15, she breaks away from her home life and takes to streets. only after the death of her mother does Liz develop the determination to better her lot in life. Virtually begging her way back into high school, she becomes a superb student, and at 19, with funding from a scholarship and a part-time job with the New York Public Interest Group, "born loser" liz enters Harvard University.
这部电影根据真实故事改编。小女孩 Liz Murry 和她的父母生活在一起,但她的父母是瘾君子。到她15岁的时候,她脱离了她的家庭,开始到大街上流浪,直到她的母亲死后,她才下定决心要让自己的生活好起来。几乎是以乞求的方式,她才得以回到高中继续学习,在此之后成为了一名顶尖的学生,并在19岁时获得纽约公共利益组织提供的奖学金和一份兼职。生而为失败者的Liz最终考进了最高学府--哈佛大学。
Audience Rating :7.3/10
Audience Rating:3.9/5
Aduience Review(观众评论)
(一) IMDB
1. One of the few monvies I've seen that truely talks about the problems that many societies around the globe are suffering from. it also goes to show you how far you can go if you are determined on something. so, you can really make a chance if you put your mind into it.
2.Generally, made for television movies are on a level below theatrical endeavors. However, ' Homeless to Harward' is a surprising and welcome exception. Without question it is one of the best made for television movies ever produced. This true story of Liz continually strikes you primal emotional chord thoughtout the movie.
一般而言, 根据故事改编的电影要比戏剧原创的电影低一个层次。 但是《风雨哈佛路》却意外的让人感到惊艳,受到人们的热烈欢迎。毫无疑问,它是迄今为止最棒的改编电影。在整个电影中,故事的原型会引发你最原始的情感共鸣。
3. The film was fun to watch, and Thora Brich was terrific, as always. She is one of the finest young actresses we have today. The movie was at its strongest when it depicted Liz's difficulit years on the streets. But the ending let us down. The movie untimately did not tell us why Liz left Harvard. And actually, it makes you wonder if her story is worth telling if she couldn't finish her education there.
1. Inspiring true story of from poverty and neglect to self made opportunity. The Pursuit of Happyness is a amazing story, but this one surpasses it. Outstanding acting by the young and older version of Liz.
2. Again the cliche, the book was much better than the movie.
3. Hope, determination and strgenth are the 3 main componets that the movie thrives on, the movie projects a positive message. It's worth the watch.
Famous lines
keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what is it.
The world moves you just suspect. It could no happen without you. Situations are not conduced to what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is.
I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.