A nice film reflects British history. It mainly revealed the freedom of a normal citizen in Scotland basically needed. William Wallace leaded Scotland people to fight with freedom.
His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king. How great he is. Mel Gibson did a good job acted this character successfully.
It’s a battle movie, all people wanna have peaceful life just like William—have fertile land to cultivate; have a lover to spend a whole life; have healthy kids to foster…However, once their basic needs was deprived, they would fight for their rights although nobody would like to have battles. The unhappy persons eventually are citizens.
It’s a love movie, love is one of the most wonderful things in the world, however, to be a realist, we need normal and peaceful life not instant passion. What we really need is someone who can talk with us for a whole, and of course we would like to listen to him/her. Marriage is mutual understanding.
It’s a historical movie, each person should know history of his own country which is a basic responsibility a citizen should has.
Some good lines from the movie,
It’s our wits that make us men.
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
A sentence by Mel Gibson said-“It's all happening too fast. I've got to put the brakes on or I'll smack into something.”